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Page AK-47 » Krinkov
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 4/22/2003 7:13:03 PM EDT
What is the length of the top handguard on a Krink? And how hot can it literally get, smokin', hot-potato, or Chernobyl, under realistic conditions(no F/A 500rd dumps lol)?

Thanks Brad
Link Posted: 4/26/2003 6:36:59 AM EDT

I can't tall you the exact dimensions of the front handguard, but I can tell you hot it gets....

I took both my 5.45 and 7.62 Krinkovs to Knob Creek and shot them on the lower range on "rapid semi-auto"

One of them actually caught on fire and I had to pour ice water on it to put it out.  We put a total of 2000 rounds across both of them with no malfunctions.  We shot them as quick as we could load the mags....


Link Posted: 4/26/2003 8:46:42 AM EDT
Yes they did get hot.  So hot, that we had to hold the sling to shoot them.

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:15:07 PM EDT
Try the Vemon handguards, they disperse heat really well and they wont catch on fire.  In fact even after long sustained full auto fire, you can comfortably hold onto them without gloves.
Page AK-47 » Krinkov
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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