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Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 10/8/2005 6:22:13 PM EDT
I might be crazy, but could this be a possibility?

When the Romanians are putting these AK's together, and the headspace is on the tight side, I believe they are pushing the barrel forwards while it is pinned, perhaps putting a slight bend into the pin, and when it is removed, that may explain all the galling marks on it.

Why I say this is because I just did an all matching kit build with a very tight barrel pin, and when everything was put back together I went to test and sight in. This rifle would not chamber on a cartridge. I thought about this, and slightly pressed the pinned barrel forward to hopefully give more headspace, and now it chambers like a dream. That .001 of an inch makes a difference!

Any thoughts on this?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:39:56 PM EDT
I think you need a set of headspace gauges!  They’re cheaper than having a Doctor in the E.R. remove the shrapnel that USED to be your gun from your face.

Seriously, don't attempt to chamber a live round on a (home built) Military firearm with a floating firing pin without checking the headspace.

Out of battery slam fires happen.


FYI: I know you've done a lot of builds.  Nice Pic's in the pinned post.  I'm just trying to remind folks of the basics.  I shoot a LOT of Highpower.  I recall the day I had my slam-fire...Offhand at the 200, yes the muzzle was pointed down range.  I was fortunate it was an in-battery slamfire (most likely soft primer) but I do know of a fellow shooter that had an M-14 slamfire out of battery and lost an eye.  I've also witnessed an out of battery slamfire on an M1 that blew the trigger guard right off the weapon and the shooter came close to loosing his trigger finger.  

You could be right on the "Factory Adjustment" thou...

Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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