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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 10/13/2005 11:54:13 AM EDT
What exactly does a hammer retarder do?

Hammer Retarder

Link Posted: 10/13/2005 11:59:40 AM EDT
It reduces rate of fire in a full auto gun, I don't think it serves any purpose in a semi auto.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 12:31:05 PM EDT
The pure mystery of this part remains....all it does is hold back the hammer for just a few milliseconds. It's not a retarder pur sang mechanically speaking. But somehow it seems to work, but to explain how it works and give arguments whether this part keeps the ROF on 650 rnds/min can actually be more difficult than one might think.

Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:59:16 PM EDT
I can just imagine that it went something like this.

We need to slow down the AK rate of fire!  Anyone got any ideas on how we should do it?

Long silence.

Hey.  I’ve got an idea.  Lets insert a block with that has a little piece of metal dangling in the way of the hammer.  That will retard it.

You’re retarded.  That would never work.

Wanna bet?
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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