I was at the range with my SAR-1 yesterday, blasting away happily, when it failed to function. I thought I had a jam, as I could only move the bolt back about an inch, but when I looked into the receiver I could see the hammer twisted around at an odd angle. I popped off the dust cover and found that the hammer pin had walked out the left side of the receiver, allowing the hammer to twist around.
So I got that all put back into place, popped a mag in and tried it out, only to find that the trigger has stopped working. It was, for lack of a better term, stuck in the back position, as if it had been pulled and never went forward. The hammer was cocked, but the trigger had no rearward movement left. With the dustcover off, I could manually release the hammer by just pulling the sear back, but that's it. Nothing gave any additional range of movement to the trigger.
Now, I'm assuming that when the hammer pin walked out, something in the delicate balancing of springs and pins went wrong. Can anyone point me to a source showing how everything is supposed to line up in there? And, so this doesn't happen again, what can I do to prevent the hammer pin from walking out again? This thing only has about 600 rounds through it, tops.
Thanks in advance.