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Page AK-47 » Galil & Valmet Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 10/30/2006 11:46:41 AM EDT
Hi,  I recently purchased this Galil and am wondering about which model it is.  I was told it is an ARM but I'm not sure about that.  It is a Magnum Research impot serial # MR 0060X (last digit hidden).  Above Scope rail it says Galil Semi-Auto. On the right side of gun in front of charging handle is a small 72   X.  I didnt' know if the 72 refered to Model 372???  There isn't any other model #'s marked.  I am mainly confused by bi-pod mount which is not the one piece gas block.  Instead it is mounted to barrel.  Also, the gun didn't come with carry handle.  Thanks a lot and any info would be great.



Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:30:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:56:20 PM EDT
Just helping out.


Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:59:06 PM EDT
Whatever it is, its freaken beautiful.  Nice weapon
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 9:51:28 PM EDT
I'm not an expert, but I agree with Mbsk01. It looks like an early Magnum Research model 361 AR. A lot of the early Magnum Research guns didn't have model numbers on them. Ingenious bipod mount on it though, almost looks like it could be a factory part. I almost did something similar when I wanted to turn my 329 AR into an ARM.
If you want a carry handle you will have to replace the rear handguard holder with an ARM type (an easy job), the one on there looks like an AR type. It will also help support the bipod legs when they are folded.
All in all it looks like a very nice rifle, congratulations!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 8:14:30 AM EDT
it is a Magnum Research AR that has been converted to ARM. I would like to see a pic of the other side of the bipod mount. What holds the  bipod mount on?
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:02:47 PM EDT
Thanks for all the help and information.  I had a feeling it started out as an AR but was thrown off by the Bi-Pod mount.  I wasn't sure if this was a factory option for an AR or something that was added later, or some kind of transtional or early ARM.  Plus the owner had been telling me for the previous three weeks that it was an ARMhad
I'll take some more pics of Bi-pod mount and post when I get time.  I believe it is just pressed on to the wide part of barrel by Front sight block.  I asume this is where the bayonet lug would normally go?

Page AK-47 » Galil & Valmet Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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