Quoted: IIRC, Shooting Paratroopers whilst still in the air is a big Geneva Convention no-no.
Since when does anyone give a hooting f#$k about the Geneva Convention? No one went after the Soviets (Russians) for Afghanistan or Chechnya. Hell, Mikhali Gorbachev gets to parade around the world promoting "sustainable growth" eventhough the Soviets butchered 1 million people in Afghanland during his tenure. Saddam Hussein was A-OK until our government turned against him for invading Kuwait. You don't see NATO waiting to bomb Israel for the war crimes against civilians (we can argue all day, but wiping out houses and city blocks is ridiculous).
The Geneva Convention is a joke. It only applies for the victor or for third world dork countries where the UN/EU/US and can send in troops to spread taxation, regulation, democracy and multiculturalism abroad.
Rant off.
Edited because I cannot spell. I need to join soon, but I'm waiting to see if my other e-mail service (former college) is going to let me renew.