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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 1/6/2003 4:30:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 4:51:37 PM EDT
We have to try this.

Campy, do you think you can get us a plane for the AR-15.com convention or Bulletfest?

Link Posted: 1/7/2003 3:57:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 6:16:41 AM EDT
This is good info. I remember during WWII, the Russian tactic to shoot down aircraft was for EVERY rifleman that sees the plane was to fire at it.

With 100,000+ bullets going into the air at once, they were bound to hit something.  The Germans lost so many aircarft to this tactic that they imposed minimm alitude limits.
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 6:26:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 4:58:45 PM EDT
I think those explosions were faked.

If I recall most of the explosions towards the end of the video all looked the same.

I liked how nobody could hit that plane at first.  You could see all of the tracers trailing behind.  Then somebody yells out "lead".

That is when they started to hit the plane.  Alot of bullets go through before anything would happen.

My favorite was when somebody hit just the top of the engine.  All you could see is a pop of fire at the top, and then the plane glides in for a landing, and then a faked explosion.

It was cool watching all those tracers going into the night through the minigun (or was it the chain gun, I can remember anymore) it was like a red ribbon.

Link Posted: 1/7/2003 6:43:02 PM EDT
IIRC, Shooting Paratroopers whilst still in the air is a big Geneva Convention no-no.
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 7:03:57 PM EDT

IIRC, Shooting Paratroopers whilst still in the air is a big Geneva Convention no-no.

Not true. You can shoot combatants (such as paratroopers). What you can't shoot at are people escaping from downed aircraft (aircrew who jumped, pilots who ejeced, etc)

Link Posted: 1/8/2003 10:31:54 PM EDT

IIRC, Shooting Paratroopers whilst still in the air is a big Geneva Convention no-no.

Since when does anyone give a hooting f#$k about the Geneva Convention? No one went after the Soviets (Russians) for Afghanistan or Chechnya. Hell, Mikhali Gorbachev gets to parade around the world promoting "sustainable growth" eventhough the Soviets butchered 1 million people in Afghanland during his tenure. Saddam Hussein was A-OK until our government turned against him for invading Kuwait. You don't see NATO waiting to bomb Israel for the war crimes against civilians (we can argue all day, but wiping out houses and city blocks is ridiculous).

The Geneva Convention is a joke. It only applies for the victor or for third world dork countries where the UN/EU/US and can send in troops to spread taxation, regulation, democracy and multiculturalism abroad.

Rant off.


Edited because I cannot spell. I need to join soon, but I'm waiting to see if my other e-mail service (former college) is going to let me renew.
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 5:04:30 PM EDT

IIRC, Shooting Paratroopers whilst still in the air is a big Geneva Convention no-no.

This is what your DI tells you because he knows that some of you will be going to jump school and then to an airborne unit. It is not true and even if it were nobody would abide by it. People escaping from a crashing aircraft are the only ones protected by the Geneva convention and that isn't very much protection.
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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