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Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 8/15/2007 10:45:43 PM EDT
Quality receivers?
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:56:13 PM EDT
The best, bar none.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 6:35:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 6:40:04 AM EDT
they really are the best
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 6:56:36 AM EDT
+1 to the above.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 8:13:59 AM EDT
As good as it gets in a 1mm stamped receiver. The only thing in its league is the Armory USA receivers, but DCI/NDS is much easier to deal with and builds them as close to the original foreign recievers as possible. You can even get the appropriate country selector-switch markings for an extra $35 or so.
Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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