Quoted: If you pull the bolt back all the way to the rear and let it slam forward does it hang up? Yes, it hangs up when I do this. It seems to bind mostly at the point it rides over the hammer and other time a little further forward (~ 1in. from lock-up).
Also, make sure you didn't put the hammer in backwards. Thought of that and checked it – I didn’t. |
Quoted: what kind of receiver are you useing? AK-Builder bent flat.
did you have the bolt in the carrier when you tested it without the FCG in? Yes, I checked it with and without. And after? I haven’t tried it without the bolt in, but will do so.
where exactly is it hanging up on closing? (can you give an exact distance from closed?) See my response to Black-Wolf above. |
I've got a dollar says your ejector is to long. The 5.45 ejector is about 1/16" longer than the 7.62 ejector.
Most flats come with rails that are "multi purpose" and if you are building a 7.62, you have to cut a little bit off them. \
One inch from lockup means that the bolt is already in the trunion, so it is not a rail/trunion alignment problem. It also means that the bolt carrier is almost to the ejector.
here is what happens, as the bolt slides along the "to long ejector", the ejector pushes the bolt to the right, and causes it to hit the trunion. This does not always cause the bolt to stop, (usualy, in fact) the bolt will simply ride past the trunion/rail interface, because, the bolt has enough slop (the shaft fits loose inside the BC)to move over to the right a little, thus compensating for the ejector sticking out to far. . The problem comes when the
bolt carrier gets closer to the ejector. that "slop" has less play (because the bolt has more play at the front) The bolt carrier pushes against the right side of the rails, and thus forces the bolt agaist the ejector.
The fact that the gun still closes with a tap shows that the AK design is loose... but not THAT loose.
You can verify this by
1: turning the gun upside down (and/or take off the top cover) , and watch the ejector closely as you slowly close the action by hand (no spring installed), as the ejector passes into the bolt groove, it will force the bolt to move to the side. As the ejector gets to the BC slot, that slop goes away, and the binding starts.
2: put the bolt face even with the ejector, there should be a "very small" gap there
You are also feeling the hammer riding against the bolt, but this part is normal. the hang up is caused by a to long ejector.
trust me...