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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 4/17/2007 10:06:19 AM EDT
Alright guys, I've got a bunch of general AK noobie questions. I'm currently trapped in China and thus away from my WASR10 baby, but while I've been learning how to say "ni hao" I've had thoughts of AK's stirring in my head.

So, here's my list of questions:

1) Where should I be buying ammo? Is it really more economical to order from the internet than, say, just popping down to Wal-Mart and ridding them of their 7.62? I would think so, but then again I really have no concept of what's economical and what isn't in regards to ammo. hat
2) I've got this notion that I'd like to get a bipod for my WASR, for when I've finally decided that shooting from the shoulder out to 50 yards isn't smart anymore. hat
3) What's the deal with mounting a telescopic sight? My WASR has a side optics mount...but beyond knowing that that is where the optic goes, I am totally lost. hetically, I dig the WASR's "rustic surplus charm", and I'd like the sight to reflect that. Practically, I'm looking for something that gives me some sassy magnification action at a couple hundred yards - I don't think I'll need anything much more powerful than that. Which are the ones to look for? And just what is involved with putting the damned thing on? Lastly, I'm looking for cheap. Not super-cheap, just cheap. A cheap sight for a cheap gun, as it were. h.gif

4) I also really have no idea how to zero anything; a little direction regarding this particular feat would be extremely appreciated.

5) The last time I went shooting (before my journey to China), I was ejecting brass all over this poor guy's nice-looking FAL and optics. Just out of courtesy, I moved down the firing line a bit after realizing what I was doing. What's out there, product-wise, to prevent this sort of thing? I've read about shell-deflectors, but I don't believe I've seen one for an AK. Do they exist? Are they a good idea? And if yes to both, where I can get one? h.gif

6) Just what is the value of ejected 7.62x39 brass? And where would one go to redeem said value for cash? If it's a reasonable sum, I think I might take up collecting mine. his  And as for the actual question - just where would I find said paint? I assume that there's gun-specific paint out there, so where? how

8) Speaking of buying another WASR, I think I'd like to try ordering the second one from the internet (the first came from a gunshow), just to gain some insight and experience on that particular facet of gun-buying. So my question is, well, what's involved with that? My only real knowledge is that I must have the gun shipped to an FFL. What's the protocol on that? Do I call up a dealer, ask him if he'll receive my gun on such-and-such-day? Do they usually charge for such a service?

Thanks in advance.

Much love,

Link Posted: 4/17/2007 10:20:39 AM EDT

Alright guys, I've got a bunch of general AK noobie questions. I'm currently trapped in China and thus away from my WASR10 baby, but while I've been learning how to say "ni hao" I've had thoughts of AK's stirring in my head.

So, here's my list of questions:

1) Where should I be buying ammo? Is it really more economical to order from the internet than, say, just popping down to Wal-Mart and ridding them of their 7.62? I would think so, but then again I really have no concept of what's economical and what isn't in regards to ammo. In particular, what's the deal with shipping? I'd think that'd sort of negate the savings a bit. Does it?

Cheaper to buy online or maybe at gunshows. A lot cheaper.

2) I've got this notion that I'd like to get a bipod for my WASR, for when I've finally decided that shooting from the shoulder out to 50 yards isn't smart anymore. What do you guys suggest? I see a lot of cheapy bipods on various sites, running about $20 for something that apparently just affixes to the barrel. I don't need a super-duper-tacticool one, so will the cheapy ones do? Is there a cheapy one in particular I should seek out/avoid?

Cheapy ones work alright for what you're going to be using it for.

3) What's the deal with mounting a telescopic sight? My WASR has a side optics mount...but beyond knowing that that is where the optic goes, I am totally lost. Aesthetically, I'm a bit partial to mounting a 'true AK' sight, in other words something that looks it belongs on the AK and not on an expensive sniper rifle. I dig the WASR's "rustic surplus charm", and I'd like the sight to reflect that. Practically, I'm looking for something that gives me some sassy magnification action at a couple hundred yards - I don't think I'll need anything much more powerful than that. Which are the ones to look for? And just what is involved with putting the damned thing on? Lastly, I'm looking for cheap. Not super-cheap, just cheap. A cheap sight for a cheap gun, as it were.

Kalinka Optics has a lot of nice Russian optics for AKs.

4) I also really have no idea how to zero anything; a little direction regarding this particular feat would be extremely appreciated.

Uhhhh....let us know what kind of optic you buy, then we can help you, they're all a little different.

5) The last time I went shooting (before my journey to China), I was ejecting brass all over this poor guy's nice-looking FAL and optics. Just out of courtesy, I moved down the firing line a bit after realizing what I was doing. What's out there, product-wise, to prevent this sort of thing? I've read about shell-deflectors, but I don't believe I've seen one for an AK. Do they exist? Are they a good idea? And if yes to both, where I can get one?

I haven't seen any, but I wouldn't be surprised if they exist.

6) Just what is the value of ejected 7.62x39 brass? And where would one go to redeem said value for cash? If it's a reasonable sum, I think I might take up collecting mine.

Considering you'll probably be shooting steel cased Russian ammo, nothing.
7) I've got this swell idea of buying another WASR when I return to the states (on account of the fact that my current AK is something of a joint-effort between my roommate and I. I figure I can just buy another, we'll settle up the ownership debt for the first, and then we'll each have our own to fiddle with as we like) and giving it a bit of a makeover in terms of furniture and paint. How does a purple and pink WASR grab you?  And as for the actual question - just where would I find said paint? I assume that there's gun-specific paint out there, so where? And just how hard is an AK to paint, anyway?

There are several spray-on gun finishes available. Alumahyde, Duracoat, Gunkote, etc...

8) Speaking of buying another WASR, I think I'd like to try ordering the second one from the internet (the first came from a gunshow), just to gain some insight and experience on that particular facet of gun-buying. So my question is, well, what's involved with that? My only real knowledge is that I must have the gun shipped to an FFL. What's the protocol on that? Do I call up a dealer, ask him if he'll receive my gun on such-and-such-day? Do they usually charge for such a service?

First, see what your dealer can get you said gun for. It's silly to buy the gun online for $350, pay a $20 transfer and $20 for shipping when you could have just bought the gun from the dealer for $370.

Thanks in advance.

Much love,

Link Posted: 4/17/2007 10:41:12 AM EDT

Alright guys, I've got a bunch of general AK noobie questions. I'm currently trapped in China and thus away from my WASR10 baby, but while I've been learning how to say "ni hao" I've had thoughts of AK's stirring in my head.

So, here's my list of questions:

1) Where should I be buying ammo? Is it really more economical to order from the internet than, say, just popping down to Wal-Mart and ridding them of their 7.62? I would think so, but then again I really have no concept of what's economical and what isn't in regards to ammo. In particular, what's the deal with shipping? I'd think that'd sort of negate the savings a bit. Does it?

I stick to gun shows or just buy online. At $5-$6/box at stores around here, even with shipping, the internet is still the cheap route. I stay away from what Wal-Mart has to offer. WWB at $20/40rnds? No thanks.

2) I've got this notion that I'd like to get a bipod for my WASR, for when I've finally decided that shooting from the shoulder out to 50 yards isn't smart anymore. What do you guys suggest? I see a lot of cheapy bipods on various sites, running about $20 for something that apparently just affixes to the barrel. I don't need a super-duper-tacticool one, so will the cheapy ones do? Is there a cheapy one in particular I should seek out/avoid?

Grabbed one of the clamp-on bi-pods for my WASR and Yugo SKS. It works great and even folds under the barrel for $20. Got it from Cheaper Than Dirt.

3) What's the deal with mounting a telescopic sight? My WASR has a side optics mount...but beyond knowing that that is where the optic goes, I am totally lost. Aesthetically, I'm a bit partial to mounting a 'true AK' sight, in other words something that looks it belongs on the AK and not on an expensive sniper rifle. I dig the WASR's "rustic surplus charm", and I'd like the sight to reflect that. Practically, I'm looking for something that gives me some sassy magnification action at a couple hundred yards - I don't think I'll need anything much more powerful than that. Which are the ones to look for? And just what is involved with putting the damned thing on? Lastly, I'm looking for cheap. Not super-cheap, just cheap. A cheap sight for a cheap gun, as it were.

Personally, a scope on my AK does nothing for me. There are surplus Russian scopes with the proper set-up for the side rail mount, but they're pricey. $90-$140 if I recall.

4) I also really have no idea how to zero anything; a little direction regarding this particular feat would be extremely appreciated.

What Chris said.

5) The last time I went shooting (before my journey to China), I was ejecting brass all over this poor guy's nice-looking FAL and optics. Just out of courtesy, I moved down the firing line a bit after realizing what I was doing. What's out there, product-wise, to prevent this sort of thing? I've read about shell-deflectors, but I don't believe I've seen one for an AK. Do they exist? Are they a good idea? And if yes to both, where I can get one?

Not sure, but I'd Google "AK brass catcher". I'm sure someone has manufactured one by now.

6) Just what is the value of ejected 7.62x39 brass? And where would one go to redeem said value for cash? If it's a reasonable sum, I think I might take up collecting mine.

I take my brass and copper (surplus 54R) to a local recycling/buying facility. They usually offer me $0.80/lb. for copper and $1.10-$1.25/lb. for brass.

7) I've got this swell idea of buying another WASR when I return to the states (on account of the fact that my current AK is something of a joint-effort between my roommate and I. I figure I can just buy another, we'll settle up the ownership debt for the first, and then we'll each have our own to fiddle with as we like) and giving it a bit of a makeover in terms of furniture and paint. How does a purple and pink WASR grab you?  And as for the actual question - just where would I find said paint? I assume that there's gun-specific paint out there, so where? And just how hard is an AK to paint, anyway?

Several different metal finishes as Chris mentioned, but if you're talking wood, the options are endless. I'm not sure of the difficulty as I've never Dura-coated any of my firearms.

8) Speaking of buying another WASR, I think I'd like to try ordering the second one from the internet (the first came from a gunshow), just to gain some insight and experience on that particular facet of gun-buying. So my question is, well, what's involved with that? My only real knowledge is that I must have the gun shipped to an FFL. What's the protocol on that? Do I call up a dealer, ask him if he'll receive my gun on such-and-such-day? Do they usually charge for such a service?

I would look for something at a dealer or gun show. Especially if you're looking for a WASR. You want to be able to look it over stock to barrel in person. Look for magazine fit and a canted front site, etc. The average charge around here for a transfer is $25-$30.

Thanks in advance.

You're welcome!

Much love,

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:26:33 AM EDT


I take my brass and copper (surplus 54R) to a local recycling/buying facility. They usually offer me $0.80/lb. for copper and $1.10-$1.25/lb. for brass.

Are you serious? Those copper colored '54R casings are steel! They're just copper plated! Do they know? That's a riot!

Man, I'm gonna have to start saving mine!

Yessir, these are indeedy pure copper! LOL!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:47:26 AM EDT

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 11:08:51 AM EDT
Thanks a bunch for these answers, guys!

Is there a specific scope model that someone could suggest? I don't really know much about the technical side of scopes
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 11:18:27 AM EDT
I'm suggesting the PSOP 2.5-5x
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 11:36:36 AM EDT
MPC keep in mind when you say brass you really mean steel I assume. Anything made in Russia is probably steel and therefore....Worthless!
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 4:50:45 PM EDT
I'm suggesting the PSOP 2.5-5x

Is there any particular reason why? height=8
MPC keep in mind when you say brass you really mean steel I assume. Anything made in Russia is probably steel and therefore....Worthless!

Yes, Chris_1522 said that earlier.

Oh well.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:03:44 PM EDT
No bipod.
No scope.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 6:48:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 9:01:34 PM EDT

It's just well suited to a 7.62x39 AK. Really, any of the PSO or PSOP scopes will work, but this one is low magnification, which seems appropriate for a 7.62x39 rifle.

So, is this what I ought to get:


Link Posted: 4/20/2007 11:27:52 PM EDT
Yeah, I'd get one of those or a red dot like the Kobra (also found on that site).
Just my opinion I'd get a red dot, but that's my $.02
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 1:35:52 AM EDT
I thought about getting a Kobra, but from what I've read online it isn't much use at the rifle range...

It certainly looks cool, though.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 12:43:46 PM EDT



I take my brass and copper (surplus 54R) to a local recycling/buying facility. They usually offer me $0.80/lb. for copper and $1.10-$1.25/lb. for brass.

Are you serious? Those copper colored '54R casings are steel! They're just copper plated! Do they know? That's a riot!

Man, I'm gonna have to start saving mine!

Yessir, these are indeedy pure copper! LOL!

No, they test all metal that is brought to them. It passed the magnet. Old copper cased Polish 54R.
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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