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Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 11/1/2006 9:48:51 AM EDT
Hi All..

I just picked up an AMD-65 kit and want to build it with a 16" barrel..

I have looked around at all the different extensions and spotted one in a picture I liked,,

It's just a nicely done 2" piece of pipe threaded at both ends.

The person silver soldered the extension and original AMD brake to form a 16" legal barrel...

Not bad,, but what if someone made a 4" chunk of pipe, 14x1 male on one end,, 14x1 female the other??

You silver solder the extension on,, mount the front sight and add any old brake you want??? WITHOUT having to solder the brake???

Also, Has anyone ever altered the AMD brake to make it "blacker" (c pic)??

I borrowed 83CJ5's pic with a before and after..



I don't have the tools to do this,, I am looking for an AK friendly machinist that might want to try to make one...


PS: Just found the 2" extension @ DPH,, maybe I can put two together to get the 4"???


Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:06:22 PM EDT
Keep in mind that brake is on two different rifles.  The first pic is an AMD-65 the second is not.

While technically what you are suggesting will work and someone used to make a longer extension btw, don't remember who...

But all in all it looks silly with 4" sticking out in front of the sight tower and then a brake screwed on the end.

Basically 4" of barrel beyond the sight tower is too much to not look goofy and mutated.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:59:59 PM EDT
Actually,, The 2nd pic is the 1st pic but doctored (cheap photoshop)..

And I was asking about moving the sight block out on the 4" extension, not leaving it tucked into the gas block.

I know the simple answer is "buy a Romy G", or "make a pistol" or spend 200$US..

but in my case I already have a AMD-65 Pistol, and I picked up a very inexpensive AMD-65 kit,, which I now want to build as a rifle.

I agree,, pushing the brake out on a 4" extension would look dorky,, I may end up with 2 pistols..

Maybe I should go in the other direction and find someone that can chop this AMD down to a uber-short flame thrower??  9"???

Page AK-47 » Build It Yourself
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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