i used one when i was in baghdad,
...barely a year ago..i never had any problems with it ,...however it did not survive the second ied (destroyed in blast with weapon ) blast i was caught in
there are alot of private security types that do use them overseas. i cant tell how many times i saw those groups of guys doing what they do,. most had there beta on that little HK rifle,..and a few on there M-4's
its like any other equipment,..you have to care for it,.. esppecially in a desert setting,. if i have to go back to iraq i will have one. as far as the M-249's go they are way the hell better that the orginal 200 round box that would crack into little bits when it fell of your saw,.. and it will fall off your saw. the 100 rd sacks did not fall off nearly as much,.. but the ammo belt got twisted alot and break easily, leaving most of your ammo inside the pouch with no way to get to it. not a good deal when your getting shot at,.. with my saw i either had the beta in it or 100 rd beli laid out carefuly around the ring mount.,........thats how i rolled for most of our escort missions
Why not just buy a cheaper 75rd drum? Beta cost way 2 much $$$$$$$$$$$ There is no use for a beta in an AK.
your right,. for the 7.62 AK's there is nothiing else like those drums,..im getting one or two for my cheap little wasr-10.,.....however what about the 5.56 or 5.45 guns? i've seen but one drum from china in .223 and it was 300 bucks!
I feel where you're coming from in regards to buying American made goods, but unfortunately in the AK world, "American Made" often means "Sub-quality Knock-off".
ive noticed this to and its kinda alarming,.. a country like ours ,..but we cant make simple and effective copies of third world stuff,...
I've had good luck with my BETA mag. If you read the instructions and lube the mag with graphite as instructed you will not have any problems.
Below is a pic of my Norinco 84S2 and the BETA mag I adapted to fit it. It runs 100%
can you show me how you did that? mags for the 233 AK's are hard to come accross,.. at least the waffel ones i want,...
so that was a 5.56 beta? and a steel 74 mag?
im picking up this milled bulgy .223 tomorrow and thats what i want to use it for,...i have a '74 kit that i put together ,.but with the side folding skel stock i dont think theres room for the beta with the stock collapsed and hooked