I know for a fact that my SA M-5 is extremely accurate with SS109 ...you mean these little fellas?,..why yes it is
i like the ak in 5.56 alot better than i like the ar.,..in fact i sold my ar-15 to pay for
my SA M5s w/pre-ban features
and man am i glad i did,.. this gun is was smoother than a ar,.. you dont have that twang from the buffer spring in your ear after every shot,..the gun it self is balanced better,.makes it easier to shoot strait,. cleaning ,.. if you chose to do it is easier
i worked with the M16'M-4 family for 7years,.. the ak is alot better platform,.IMHO quote all the muzzel velocities you want,...and barrel length this,.. barrel lenght that,...when the chips are down,. im going to have a AK and i dont care what caliber it is
and yeah i own 5.45,..5.56,...7.62,...and a .308 comming soon