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Posted: 11/1/2006 12:29:41 PM EDT

PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) -- Donald Trump's display of patriotism is apparently too flamboyant for this chic oceanside town.

Palm Beach officials cited Trump for hoisting a large American flag atop an 80-foot pole at his lavish Mar-a-Lago estate and club.

Town officials said the real estate mogul has violated zoning codes with a flagpole taller than 42 feet and for erecting it without a building permit and permission from the landmarks board.

Trump has until November 27 to apply for approvals or face a December 21 code enforcement hearing that could result in $250-a-day fines.

"You don't need a permit to put up the American flag," Trump said Tuesday. "The day you need a permit to put up the American flag, that will be a sad day for this country."

Lee Hanley, vice chairman of the town's landmarks commission, previously said the 15-by-25-foot flag makes the town look like "we have an Okeechobee car dealer," referring to a strip of auto dealerships along Okeechobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach.

Trump responded in a letter last week saying that "anyone who objects should not, in my opinion, hold a public office of any kind -- at least not in this country."

The flag first appeared outside the estate October 3.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:31:35 PM EDT
$250 a day for him probably equals paying 25 cents for us in fines
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:33:11 PM EDT
If I had Trumps money, I would remove the flag pole and re-install one twice as big.

Fuck you to the nay sayers

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:36:32 PM EDT

If I had Trumps money, I would remove the flag pole and re-install one twice as big.

Fuck you to the nay sayers

no shit.  why would they even bother trying...   can anyone say lawsuit?  he certainly has the money for a high dollar legal team.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:38:33 PM EDT

If I had Trumps money, I would remove the flag pole and re-install one twice as big.

I like the way you think.

Something you'd be required to put a red flashing light on by the FAA.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:39:56 PM EDT
I guess it's not really his land afterall.

Sad that they can tell him he can't have a damn tall flag pole for our country's great flag.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:42:13 PM EDT

$250 a day for him probably equals paying 25 cents for us in fines

By my calcalation, he can sell one of his homes he has never set foot in and hold out for about 142,800 days. Or 391.2 years.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:42:39 PM EDT
I hope he makes it bigger.  Remember his idea for rebuilding the WTC?  Exact same buildings one story higher.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:43:48 PM EDT
Fuc*ing Retards

$250 a day to fly an American flag No one would have said a word if it was a Mexican Fuc*ing Flag
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:43:56 PM EDT

I hope he makes it bigger.  Remember his idea for rebuilding the WTC?  Exact same buildings one story higher.

Is there still nothing going on with that lot where the WTC used to be?
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:52:32 PM EDT
If he just pays the daily fine, they'll very quickly pass a law changing the fine to $100,000 per day.  No way they're going to pass up making easy.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:58:31 PM EDT


If I had Trumps money, I would remove the flag pole and re-install one twice as big.

I like the way you think.

Something you'd be required to put a red flashing light on by the FAA.

3 or 4 of them.  And if he was a Southron a Battleflag to really rub their noses in it.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 6:58:46 AM EDT
He needs to buy a lot more flags.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:01:37 AM EDT
I think the town politicians should be worried about dealing with Trump.  He has the resources to end their careers.

+1 on putting up a bigger flagpole and flag.  Screw the town officials.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:03:02 AM EDT

If he just pays the daily fine, they'll very quickly pass a law changing the fine to $100,000 per day.  No way they're going to pass up making easy.

They probaly just want some extra money
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:06:03 AM EDT
You can fight against Donald Trump and win.

You can fight against Patriotism and win.

But you can’t beat both at the same time.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:09:31 AM EDT

I think the town politicians should be worried about dealing with Trump.  He has the resources to end their careers.

+1 on putting up a bigger flagpole and flag.  Screw the town officials.

The flaw in this thinking is that The Donald lives in a place with other mega-millionaires. It's not like he is the only person in that town with money. Apparently, some of the other super-rich townfolk lodged complaints.

BTW, this is the first time in my life I ever had a positive thing to say about Donald Trump.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:13:42 AM EDT
I see that Donald and I have the same problem. Both our poles are too long.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:19:32 AM EDT
+1 on a bigger flag
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 7:38:24 AM EDT

Fuc*ing Retards

$250 a day to fly an American flag No one would have said a word if it was a Mexican Fuc*ing Flag

That's because saying something might offend someone.
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