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Posted: 4/26/2001 5:42:44 PM EDT
Well, what'dya think, does open source and no support(Linux) beat proprietary and no software(Mac)?
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 5:59:51 PM EDT
In the long run, I think it will. I am getting ready myself to migrate from W2K to Solaris 8, but only temp, as it is very expensive. Linux is almost up to task, and is free...Linux is for the masses.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 6:12:55 PM EDT
Not really an issue anymore, Mac OS X is Unix based.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 6:16:24 PM EDT
Not really an issue anymore, Mac OS X is Unix based.
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Macs have their own boxes, Linux is at the mercy of the PC. Actually, that's why I think Linux will prevail.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 6:24:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 6:32:56 PM EDT
No endorcement intended. Really haven't seen it myself and probabily won't unless Apple rethinks their policy of being the only suppliers of Macs. I really don't personally feel the need to pay the premium for them. (please don't start with the Mac vs PC thing, I'm not here to debate that)  

Mearly wanted to point out that on the software side, at least, Mac is moving toward open-source, even if it is just small steps...

Personally, I am running Win2K, Win 98SE, and Mandrake 7.2 and have no problem with any of them...
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 6:36:09 PM EDT
Yes, OS X is Unix based (loosely based on FreeBSD) But that's about where the similarities end.  Its kludgy, clunky (gah... the GUI, Aqua, while pretty is just eye-candy and a waste of CPU clock cyclesin my opinion) At least they bundled a Developer CD with it (with a compiler and stuff) Personally, I'll stick with OS 9.0 on my Mac.  I don't use it enough to justify the $129.95 upgrade cost.  If I want to run a Unix based system, I'll download Linux for free.  Oh yea.  I guess that's one MORE difference between OS X and Linux.  If I don't like one flavor of Linux, I'll just vape it and download another one, free of charge.  MacOS X is just like the Windows variants in that you have to purchase the damn things, and you have no recourse if you don't like the OS (you're stuck with it)

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I'm good friends with two DIE HARD Mac devotees(intensive graphics works). Any mention of Bill Gates, OR Linus Torvalds, or any version of their software sends them frothing at the mouth. I have given up on them AND their Macs, but I'm thinking about Mandrake Linux on a separate hard drive that's hanging around...
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 1:01:41 AM EDT
Alright, I shouldn't once again but I can't help myself.

I use both Linux and Mac.

I used the Beta, I suppose some would complain that it should have been free but nevertheless I found it EXTREMELY useful. I just need go get the final version now that it is out.

Why was it useful to me?
I could finally telnet into my Linux boxes and do something I couldn't do before even when using a OS9 telnet client. There are other thing I found it useful for FTP, etc.

I can't quite call it slow or clinky. It did seem to take longer to boot but as far as processes go, it was fast [I run it on a G4/500, 576MB RAM].

The Mac works great for me and for what I do.
Maybe its not for everybody. I don't have any gripes with it or RedHat Linux between the two OSes i'm completely free of MicroSoft. This wasn't done intentionally its just that I REALLY don't need MS!

I use the Mac for just about everything.
Music Production, Audio Editing, CAD and slowly getting into designing graphics.

BTW carlosg checkout Sun's web site I think you can get Solaris either free now or greatly discounted. I've also considered it as well. I need more computers and they have a nice relatively inexpensive new PC now. Usually, I build my own PC's but i've found that alot of the motherboard makers use chip sets which seem to be a bit inferior, kinda like "you get what you pay for". I'll probably end up building two more though.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 1:19:15 AM EDT
Well, what'dya think, does open source and no support(Linux) beat proprietary and no software(Mac)?
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No support!! [:(!] See:



No software!!! [X] See:








There are many other stores and a large selection of software for the Mac. You can usually find an equivalent or better application for the Mac as far as software goes.

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