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Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:08:49 AM EDT
The idea was that once the weapons in Mexico were traced back to the straw purchasers, the entire arms smuggling network could be brought down.

I don't think this was the "idea" at all.  Anyone who buys that, IM me for a business opportunity about beachfront property in AZ.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:11:03 AM EDT
It's a freakin' start - I'm still waiting for the Media to start asking  their chocolate messiah the "hard" questions about this...

I won't be holding my breath though.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:12:37 AM EDT
dude needs a set of shackles and a beating... you got blood on your hands...
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:18:12 AM EDT
Anyone @ ATF who participated or knew about it and didn't blow the whistle needs a felony prosecution
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:19:30 AM EDT
Anyone @ ATF who participated or knew about it and didn't blow the whistle needs a felony prosecution

This ^^^ Up to and including all obunghole appointees.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:01:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:07:56 AM EDT
All parties who engaged in this operation should be discharged and charged with felonies this includes all agents, supervisors up to and including the attorney general of the United States.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:08:03 AM EDT
I hope people remember this is bigger than one guy. Lots of people need to be in jail. Many more should be out of work. Perhaps they should go guard the border and be exposed to fire from guns they allowed to be sold.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:11:05 AM EDT


The idea was that once the weapons in Mexico were traced back to the straw purchasers, the entire arms smuggling network could be brought down.

I don't think this was the "idea" at all.  Anyone who buys that, IM me for a business opportunity about beachfront property in AZ.


We know who the straw purchasers were - their names are on the 4473s at the shop.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:13:37 AM EDT

Eric Holder needs to go too.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:23:44 AM EDT

Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.
I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.
I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.
People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:27:22 AM EDT



Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.

I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.

I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.

People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


Most likely he will go quietly, otherwise he stands to lose countless posts on Boards of Directors and even Chairmanships for said boards.

Those gigs are hard to come by without political connections.

Al Gore says it pays almost as well as Global Warming scams with almost none of the "work".

ETA: Go quietly for clarification
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:27:40 AM EDT
As I have said before, this goes all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania.

This was the beginnig of the foreigner in chief's back door approach to gun control.

Under the radar if you will.

If you don't believe this go back up a few posts and get with the fellow on the business proposition.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:30:05 AM EDT



Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.

I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.

I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.

People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


When was Melson appointed?  Acting Director?  Why?  It is almost as if he was appointed to take the fall.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:42:16 AM EDT
Attorney General Eric Holder will meet Tuesday with Andrew Traver, head of the ATF field office in Chicago, about possibly becoming the agency's acting director, according to senior federal law enforcement sources, who are familiar with the details of the controversy.

Chicago, eh?

I'm not suggesting there's a relationship..
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 11:44:37 AM EDT
How long until Melson is found dead of a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound to the back of his head?
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:13:21 PM EDT
Who really thought this was a bright idea, "Criminal/Felony Stupid" is a understatement for their character and insight!  Common sense should have prevailed and I feel for the poor underling agent who protested then got canned for insubordination(although having a clear conscious is better than a job anyday).
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:22:50 PM EDT
Lots of folks under that bus.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:26:46 PM EDT
One fall guy and we are supposed to be happy? Many arrests and prosecutions need to happen over the murders that were carried out with weapons supplied by the ATFE.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:30:43 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure this is O's working on gun control "under the radar"
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:32:15 PM EDT
Eh, there were no real repercussions for Ruby Ridge or Waco, and this will be no different.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:35:42 PM EDT


Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.
I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.
I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.
People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


When was Melson appointed?  Acting Director?  Why?  It is almost as if he was appointed to take the fall.

April 2009 according to a couple of different articles.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:37:58 PM EDT
heads need to roll on this one
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:41:24 PM EDT
Anyone besides me think The Obama™ isn't quite smart enough to come up with level of deception?

I'm thinking this one has Rahm Immanual's prints all over it.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:44:33 PM EDT
I hope people remember this is bigger than one guy. Lots of people need to be in jail. Many more should be out of work. Perhaps they should go guard the border and be exposed to fire from guns they allowed to be sold.

Obviously.  Also fairly obvious that heads will roll for purposes of (political) convenience - not to be confused with 'justice'.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:48:22 PM EDT
Eh, there were no real repercussions for Ruby Ridge or Waco, and this will be no different.


I foresee them going all Lon Horiuchi on this deal.

Promotions & self-congratulations & all.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 12:55:54 PM EDT
More than a job needs to be lost.

Enough arms were knowingly sent across a border where firearm ownership is forbidden to arm a couple or three battalions.

Resign hell !  Ride the lightning for the life lost by the US citizen !  Same for the bosses in the know .

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 1:00:06 PM EDT
Eh, there were no real repercussions for Ruby Ridge or Waco, and this will be no different.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:14:33 PM EDT




Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.

I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.

I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.

People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


When was Melson appointed?  Acting Director?  Why?  It is almost as if he was appointed to take the fall.


There is no official ATF director since 2006, I think because Congress have never approved one. Mason acting director since 2009.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:23:45 PM EDT


There is no official ATF director since 2006, I think because Congress have never approved one. Mason acting director since 2009.


Guy before him resigned when it came to light he spends butloads of cash on extended official trips overseas, a gym and a massive personal protection detail

,had ATF employees help his nephew with a multi media presentation for school ,and forced his assistants to act as domestic staff making lunch and drinks for guests at his office

SAR had a pretty extensive article a coupe years ago about it

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:24:23 PM EDT
Anyone @ ATF who participated or knew about it and didn't blow the whistle needs a felony prosecution

This ^^^ Up to and including all obunghole appointees.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:26:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:28:55 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:29:23 PM EDT



Eric Holder needs to go too.

This is very political, I doubt Holder gave the final order.
I think Obama gave Holder the order, and now they want the temporary director of BATFE to take the fall for them.
I hope this guy doesn't want to go quietly.
People have died because of this, there needs to be a real investigation.


When was Melson appointed?  Acting Director?  Why?  It is almost as if he was appointed to take the fall.

There is no official ATF director since 2006, I think because Congress have never approved one. Mason acting director since 2009.

Nobody qualified is stupid enough to take that shit job.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:30:36 PM EDT
It's a freakin' start - I'm still waiting for the Media to start asking  their chocolate messiah the "hard" questions about this...

I won't be holding my breath though.

I want to know where the prison time is
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:39:36 PM EDT
Probably has child porn on his hard drive.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:52:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:54:56 PM EDT
just wait until Traver takes over

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:56:55 PM EDT
Ill buy all the rope.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:16:38 PM EDT
Replacing Melson with Travers is not a win for us... the Senate (Democratic majority Senate I might add) returned Travers nomination and has not yet scheduled a confirmation hearing. Travers is opposed by pretty much every RKBA group out there.

Not to mention that ATF agents (Darren Gill) cooperating with the investigation have already testified that Gunwalker was authorized at a level above that of Acting Director Melson. I believe Lanny Breuer at DOJ has had his name come up repeatedly. It is going to take more than Melson to stop that bus from rolling...
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:16:48 PM EDT
Can't we do a no knock search?
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:19:01 PM EDT
He'll get early retirement/full pension for being the fall guy.

Some punishment, huh?

ETA: maybe even a 'seperation bonus' or something like that.

That's what big cheeses who screw up usually get. 'Go away' money.

Anyone have any idea what the details are of this 'resignation'?

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:26:28 PM EDT
Never want to be a red shirt on the away team.

Sacrificed the white guy.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:46:01 PM EDT
Be interesting to see where he goes from here.

Someone should focus a tenth of the resources on him that have been focused on Palin.

On this whole matter, actually.

If that was done, this administration would crumple like a felonious house of cards.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:54:58 PM EDT
And Bawney Frank is throwing him a big gay sendoff party


From: Colbrun, Ginger L.

Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 11:34 AM

To: Colbrun, Ginger L.


FY-11-15 For Immediate Release

Contact: Public Affairs Division

June 20, 2011


Congressman Barney Frank to Deliver Remarks

WASHINGTON, D.C. � Rep. Barney Frank and Acting Director Kenneth Melson
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will
host the 1st Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month
program at the ATF headquarters, Wednesday, June 22, at 9 a.m.

WHO: Rep. Barney Frank, 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts

Acting Director Kenneth Melson

WHAT: 1st Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month program

WHEN: 9 a.m. (Media should arrive by 8:30 a.m. in the ATF Visitor�s Center)

WHERE: ATF headquarters, 99 New York Ave. NE, Washington, D.C.

NOTE: Please RSVP to ATF Public Affairs Division XXXXXXXXXXXXX prior to the event.

Ginger Colbrun

Public Affairs Division

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 3:56:42 PM EDT
Holder should resign.  He's planning to be Anthony Weiner's running mate for President in the 2012 election anyway.

Weiner-Holder 2012!
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 4:01:55 PM EDT
WOW....A witch hunt with real culpable witches. This one ain't going away folks. I look for it to play out right up to 2012 elections as each layer of the rotten onion is peeled away. Time is not on the side of the administration with that mess. Come point in time even the left leaning media will have to call a spade a spade.

Had it not been for that sick-ass woman's trial in FL I think it would be on the front burner now.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 4:02:03 PM EDT
The ATF and democrats make a lovely combination, don't they?
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 4:21:11 PM EDT
The problem is a new problem and not the old problem.

There are millions of us who think like we always have. "Man, if we can just get this to be covered in the mainstream media, these criminals will GO DOWN HARD!!"

But the truth is, and the new problem is this.

It doesnt matter if this gets brought to light. The left is no longer your old union uncle. It is millions of grown up welfare babies of all stripes. And they dont give a fuck about your stupid constitution, or your stupid country. They want their fucking free shit! And they are going to support anyone who enables them getting their free shit, regardless of high crimes and misdemeanors.

They dont view America like we do. "They" are no longer the 5-6% who arent ashamed to sit on their section 8 porch and drink food stamp beer all day while we  work. "They" are now pushing probably 40% (50% if you count the ACORN votes) and growing every school day.

That, is the problem.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 4:24:01 PM EDT
Holder should resign.  He's planning to be Anthony Weiner's running mate for President in the 2012 election anyway.

Weiner-Holder 2012!

I think that they should switch what they are running for.  That way their slogan could read:  "Don't you want Holder-Weiner in 2012?"

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