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Posted: 1/26/2001 9:41:17 PM EDT
Okay who is (or was) in the Navy??
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 9:45:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 9:48:11 PM EDT
Paul, I feel very safe knowing the Abe is "on watch".  Thanks
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 9:49:40 PM EDT
Let's go to the range when you guys get to the other side of the pond.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 10:55:50 PM EDT
Nuclear power, submarines at pearl harbor.  Counted down days: 1300+ down to 1, one day at a time.  Six years is a hell of a long time.  
Link Posted: 1/27/2001 7:36:52 AM EDT
MM1(SS) USN 1979-1987
NECs 3355 and 3366 (nuc MM and ELT)

USS City of Corpus Christi SSN 705
USS Nathan Hale SSBN 623 (Gold)
USS Phoenix SSN 702
Link Posted: 1/27/2001 7:03:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2001 7:14:08 PM EDT
Why does the Navy let Marines on the ships?


Cause sheep are too conspicuous [;)]

Just Racking

Link Posted: 1/28/2001 4:33:24 AM EDT
VAW-124, U.S.S. Nimitz 1980-1986
Link Posted: 1/28/2001 5:42:54 AM EDT
I thought this was about the Village people[;D]
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