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Posted: 10/27/2008 4:17:20 PM EDT
So I made this guide for a guy on another forum, and I figured I'd get some more self serving mileage out of my pictures, and maybe help someone out along the way.

Link Posted: 10/27/2008 4:25:26 PM EDT
This thread should get tacked.
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 12:39:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 6:43:50 AM EDT
Excellent. Thanks for sharing...
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 2:25:28 PM EDT
I second that motion.........tack it.

Aloha, Mark
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 2:57:12 PM EDT
Possibly give Old Painless a run for his money!!  Phantastic post!!  

Link Posted: 10/28/2008 3:53:50 PM EDT
good info..........., but i bet you just wanted a tack for you BFL table
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 3:54:05 PM EDT
Ehem... Sir, did you obtain the license to use that symbol on your desk Excellent write up.
Link Posted: 10/28/2008 4:14:57 PM EDT
Ehem... Sir, did you obtain the license to use that symbol on your desk Excellent write up.

personal use not for profit
Link Posted: 10/29/2008 3:02:00 PM EDT
Nicely done ...for the "Organic Flight Control Actuator" that You are!

(Tee Hee) J k!

You gotz foto skilz!

The Ol' Crew Chief

BTW: What sorta "aerospace flight vee-hickle" are You flyin' these days?
Link Posted: 10/29/2008 6:22:27 PM EDT
Nicely done ...for the "Organic Flight Control Actuator" that You are!

(Tee Hee) J k!

You gotz foto skilz!

The Ol' Crew Chief

BTW: What sorta "aerospace flight vee-hickle" are You flyin' these days?

the glorious E-8C!
Link Posted: 10/29/2008 9:07:45 PM EDT
Is that your M1?If so, did you throw it down your driveway or is it service grade?
Link Posted: 10/29/2008 9:23:59 PM EDT
have you got some cosmoline on there still?
Link Posted: 10/30/2008 10:37:03 PM EDT
have you got some cosmoline on there still?

i don't think so
Link Posted: 10/31/2008 9:58:44 AM EDT
I had to do a Google image search to cure My stupidity of what a E-8C was!

There's something to be said about flying a plane where You can get up. go take a wizz & grab a sammich.

Good Luck, young Feller...& I'm STILL envious of Your path in Life!

The Ol' Crew Chief
Link Posted: 2/11/2009 1:58:19 PM EDT
This thread should get tacked.

I agree

Link Posted: 2/11/2009 2:29:23 PM EDT
The note about the follower being able to go in backwards would have saved me a HUGE headache. The comment about the oprod catch arm going under the tab is important too.
Link Posted: 2/12/2009 7:27:09 PM EDT
holy cow!  This thread is back!  Thanks for the bump guys.
Link Posted: 2/12/2009 9:07:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2009 4:31:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2009 6:01:42 PM EDT
thanks man pictures all ways help out
Link Posted: 2/15/2009 8:14:12 AM EDT
have you got some cosmoline on there still?

You might be looking at the grease on the barrel where the op rod rides over it. The M1 needs GREASED as in the pic. Great post.
Link Posted: 5/17/2009 9:17:19 AM EDT
Thank's great pic's
Link Posted: 5/25/2009 11:24:22 PM EDT
very good.
Link Posted: 12/31/2009 7:25:49 PM EDT
Nice bolt face on your bench!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/17/2010 3:56:30 PM EDT
I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to remove the trigger from my scout squad. It's like it is bolted in there. Shouldn't it just pull gently out from the bottom?

Managed to get it out, that sucker was in there tight!
Link Posted: 2/27/2010 2:59:04 PM EDT
Thank you for doing this....Learned a lesson today don't put your finger in pinch points.....Trigger group got me good and took a chunk out of my finger......But my M1 is back together again.
Link Posted: 3/1/2010 5:34:02 AM EDT
Thank you for doing this....Learned a lesson today don't put your finger in pinch points.....Trigger group got me good and took a chunk out of my finger......But my M1 is back together again.

Just FYI, the OP can't see your thanks or respond, he got himself banned for raging asshattery a while back.
Link Posted: 7/25/2011 9:55:17 AM EDT
Came across this and converted it to a PDF for those that want to DL it

M1 Garand
Link Posted: 9/4/2011 9:40:28 AM EDT
Came across this and converted it to a PDF for those that want to DL it

M1 Garand

Link Posted: 11/27/2014 7:52:13 PM EDT
yes,this thread is back!
Link Posted: 5/11/2018 10:37:01 PM EDT
Thread would be spectacular if not for Photobucket!
Link Posted: 5/24/2020 2:33:52 PM EDT
Just got my m1a yesterday and all I can say is...OPROD!  WOW!  Found a decent YouTube video and was able to get it off to install the Ultimak, so far I like the balance and trigger is nicer than executed.
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