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Posted: 4/1/2020 11:22:10 PM EDT
Considering the TV shows only, what is the favorite series? In order I like Enterprise, the original series, and Voyager, based on storylines. The only disconnect is that Enterprise has alien contacts not consistent with the original.
Link Posted: 4/1/2020 11:35:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: jekbrown] [#1]
TNG, Enterprise, ToS, Voyager, and if I'm forced to watch it at penalty of death, DS9. Watched 2 eps of Discovery, wasn't impressed.
Link Posted: 4/1/2020 11:40:43 PM EDT
TNG is the only one I ever really watched. Tried to do the original and couldn't handle it. Watched a bit of DS9 back when it was on and never took a liking to it. Haven't seen a single episode of any of the newer ones.
Link Posted: 4/1/2020 11:56:07 PM EDT

But I also like B5.
Link Posted: 4/1/2020 11:58:41 PM EDT
TNG is my favorite. Voyager wasn't bad, deep sleep 9 was meh and I honestly find the original series nostalgic as well as entertaining for what it was/when it was...  Really haven't touched Star Trek since then, other than the movies since the aforementioned series.
Link Posted: 4/2/2020 12:12:57 AM EDT
TNG. Voyager was unwatchable and I gave up on it quickly... years later in reruns, some of the later seasons were ok. I watched many episodes of DS9 but never really got into it. Original series just could never get into, but liked the movies based on the original characters.
Link Posted: 4/2/2020 12:16:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: wmagrush] [#6]
Easy to binge watch all the series on BBC network or Netflix. I agree DS9 is the hardest to watch. Voyager didn’t get my interest on the first run of the series, but in syndication was easier to watch, probably due to the ability to watch back to back episodes. Really no interest in watching the new CBS subscription shows.
Link Posted: 5/21/2020 1:59:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2020 2:14:22 AM EDT
In order of favorite to least:

Haven't watched Discovery or Picard so I don't have an opinion on either of them.
Link Posted: 5/22/2020 2:19:50 AM EDT
TOS, Kirk was based and TOS Era trek is actually cool and weirdly wholesome
Link Posted: 5/22/2020 2:21:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MisterPX:

But I also like B5.
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B5 was very good for it's time.  The effects don't really hold up, though. DS9 is my favorite as well especially for Section 31.
Link Posted: 5/22/2020 2:21:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2020 8:31:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ovewatch3985:
TOS, Kirk was based and TOS Era trek is actually cool and weirdly wholesome
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TOS was about the human condition.  One TOS episode ended in the Federation going in to a proxy war against the Klingons by covertly supplying weapons and advisors to a primitive culture to combat it's Klingon-backed adversaries.  The news division of NBC gave the writers flak because they were supposed to be the only branch of NBC to provide Vietnam war commentary.  The writers giggled and asked why they assumed the story was about Vietnam?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:21:27 PM EDT
Deep Space 9.  Quark.  Odo.  Garak.  Benjamin Sisko's massive pimp hand.  Gul Dukat is a fantastically nuanced bad guy.  Best sci-fi series finale ever.  What is it?  Eight episodes long at the end of 7 seasons of continual character development and story build-up?  No other Star Trek even comes close.  In the "In The Pale Moonlight" episode Captain Sisko gets very dirty in his effort to bring the Romulans into the war as allies against the Dominion.  It's a must watch episode.    
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 10:04:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AV1611:
Deep Space 9.  Quark.  Odo.  Garak.  Benjamin Sisko's massive pimp hand.  Gul Dukat is a fantastically nuanced bad guy.  Best sci-fi series finale ever.  What is it?  Eight episodes long at the end of 7 seasons of continual character development and story build-up?  No other Star Trek even comes close.  In the "In The Pale Moonlight" episode Captain Sisko gets very dirty in his effort to bring the Romulans into the war as allies against the Dominion.  It's a must watch episode.    
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Ron Moore is a great writer.  I recall reading an interview where he and some other writers had trouble staying within Roddenberry's guidelines for story telling.  It's kind of funny because Gene disliked ethical ambiguity, however there were many TOS and TNG episodes where higher ranking officers in Starfleet Command appeared to be morally corrupt or blinded by idealism.

Maybe it was because DS9 was more serial in nature, we were able to see characters grow and evolve.  They were more than a bunch of wooden archetypes.
Link Posted: 6/10/2020 1:52:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2020 10:13:15 PM EDT
Originally Posted By wmagrush:
Considering the TV shows only, what is the favorite series? In order I like Enterprise, the original series, and Voyager, based on storylines. The only disconnect is that Enterprise has alien contacts not consistent with the original.
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Ahh finally, this feels like home - new guy here, greetings.  Not gonna say TNG...  Fuck it's TNG, but I actually think that DS9 was much better written, and definitely had better arcs, phew this is way less intense than GD
Link Posted: 6/14/2020 8:51:44 PM EDT
GD is a madhouse.  Things are more refined in here.  There's a video on Youtube with Ron Moore explaining how he fought the first run syndication formula in order to create story arcs.
Link Posted: 9/16/2020 10:10:18 PM EDT
DS9 is the only story line I ever actually got into.
Link Posted: 9/17/2020 10:13:27 AM EDT
[Last Edit: jekbrown] [#19]
I'm actually rewatching DS9 right now...confirming my earlier opinion that it blows. Garak is the only redeeming feature of the entire series. Not a big fan of Sisko and his weird smiling at odd times like an insane person delivery, tired of hearing Kira bitch, Drag-zia is the stealth SJW tranny, Jake is an idiot, Dukat is just all over the place like he's got legit multiple personality disorder, Worf and Chief just feel like they are milking it / hanging on as long as it lasts, the doc went downhill ever since the whole genetic engineering thing, and Odo is the anti-gun cop. Bajor is thoroughly uninteresting. Kudos for the ST gang to actually recognize that there's still religion in space, but who knew that it would be so annoying? The worm hole could provide a lot of interest, but other than the Dominion, it's kind of just 'there'. Any time they go through it for anything else it's a very minor element of the plot.

So yeah, not a huge fan. The war with the Dominion, which takes about 6 seasons to actually get to, provides some cool explosions and crap, but it's also underwhelming, mainly because as cool as the ideas for the species are generally, with the changlings / vorta / jem'hadar and how those 3 interact with each other, the individual characters themselves are entirely uninteresting. Weyoun is played by the outstanding Jeffrey Combs (which we know is awesome because he plays Cmdr Shran in Enterprise to great effect), and is entirely wasted with the writing for this shitty character. Founders be like 'the link is awesome, everyone else is gonna die', and that's pretty much the extent of their 'character'. Jem-hadar are bad ass, but they are also kind of like Star Wars storm troopers. Without character and entirely expendable.
Link Posted: 9/17/2020 10:20:25 AM EDT
[Last Edit: madwis15] [#20]
ToS by far, second place goes to Enterprise due to Linda Park and Jolene Blalock.

Third place goes to Firefly ;)

Link Posted: 9/17/2020 11:09:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2020 11:34:05 AM EDT
TNG for the win.

I have all the episodes on DVD.
Link Posted: 9/17/2020 11:46:13 AM EDT
THe Origional Series, and that's all. Infact, they're showing them on some channel on cable right now. I've been recording them. Oh, They're showing all of the ST shows on the channel. TOS is the first show on the nightly lineup
Link Posted: 9/19/2020 1:26:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ramairthree] [#24]
As a kid I saw original reruns.  It was my favorite.  I hated some episodes them, like painted black and white guys hunting each other, etc. and loved others like Kirk making a cannon and fighting a lizard man, Bones doing brain surgery on Spock, etc.  I ended up watching them all starting around 1990.  Some episodes I hated even more, some I had thought were awesome were cheesy, and some I didn’t really remember or appreciate as a kid were fantastic.

I also saw the animated series when it aired.  Even as a kid I noticed the weird limited and repeated animation but liked it anyway.  I watched them all a few years back.  

This is when I caught up with and starting watching TNG.  Some of those early episodes were horrible.  But things got better overall, they started doing arcs instead of all episodic.  Then DS9 started and ranged from bad to great unpredictably.

Voyager seemed to range from bad to mediocre.

I know I have seen every episode of TOS and TNG.  GR made a great pitch for a show, was heavy handed on the diversity/social indoctrination club, and seemed to be a horrible plot/writer wanting to reuse the same handful themes over and over, and my favorite episodes/arcs seem to have been other writers and lesser GR influence.
I saw most of DS9 the first year or two.  Missed most of the rest.
I missed most of voyager as well.
I watched all of enterprise.  Some episodes were horrible, but some were good and it went out of its way to offer some significant fan service.
I watched Discovery.  It doesn’t quite mesh right.  Spock with an adopted human sister, mushroom drive, evil white males, getting based with diversity making GR look like a light weight, etc.  But sadly, they seem to have had quality thought/planning/long term arc development and it could have been good instead of tedious.
Picard was just sad.  A tired old man, whacked out side kick, and the tired old what is human GR theme that has been used dozens of times already.

Of the movies, I thought Wrath of Khan and First Contact were good,  and Voyage Home fun.  The other TOS and TNG films I found tedious.  The rebooted films seem like good sci Fi action films, but kind of off.

I kind of want to go through and see all of the shows.  But there will be some odd point where they overlap and tie and and films, etc.
Link Posted: 9/22/2020 11:55:24 PM EDT
My biggest gripe with Voyager was how well they kept up the ship regardless of all the crazy stuff that happened each week.  If using a special slipstream drive compromised structural integrity by 98%, wouldn't they have to find a space dock and completely rebuild the ship?  I would've preferred to see the ship look less "Starfleet issue" each season as they have to modify and repair the ship with whatever materials they can scavenge or trade.  The ship should've appeared to be made of duct tape and coat hangers.
Link Posted: 9/22/2020 11:57:36 PM EDT
Voyager is trash.
Link Posted: 10/8/2020 5:47:04 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Moondog:
My biggest gripe with Voyager was how well they kept up the ship regardless of all the crazy stuff that happened each week.  If using a special slipstream drive compromised structural integrity by 98%, wouldn't they have to find a space dock and completely rebuild the ship?  I would've preferred to see the ship look less "Starfleet issue" each season as they have to modify and repair the ship with whatever materials they can scavenge or trade.  The ship should've appeared to be made of duct tape and coat hangers.
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Year of Hell was supposed to be the show, more or less.  Didn't happen.

SF Debris reviews for Voyager are basically a long string of "the show wasted its potential", which is tragically true.

As to OP, I'm not sure I can rank them, as I find TOS, TNG, and DS9 all have some very very good episodes that put them about even, for different reasons.

Voyager would come in 4th, followed by Enterprise.  I reject the existence of STD, Picard, and Lower Decks.

Voyager kinda sucks, but it's still Trek.  Bad Trek, but still Trek.  Enterprise has a hard time not sucking.
Link Posted: 10/12/2020 10:36:49 AM EDT
Enterprise has a hard time not sucking.
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The temporal cold war theme felt like it was a basis for a temporal enforcement series that never took root, and the Zindi story felt like it was cashing in on the emotional impact of 9-11.

My impression of what Enterprise should've been kind of took root in the later episodes, but it was too late.  I felt a how such as Enterprise should've been more about fleshing out the origins of the partnerships between the early Federation partners, and play more on the second guessing whether the Enterprise and it's crew should be out there.  Showing Archer the future was a cheap way to give him confidence.
Link Posted: 10/12/2020 10:45:10 AM EDT
TNG, but I think it was only because that's what I grew up with.

I'd say that DS9 was the peak of the franchise.
Link Posted: 10/13/2020 10:24:15 AM EDT
Last night I caught an Enterprise episode which fit what I was looking for in a pre-federation story.  At the core it was a granting asylum story, where the refuge is of a third gender required in conceiving children, but is considered a catalyst versus being a contributor in making the child.  Since they do no contribute, they are kept by the state and loaned out, and have no rights of their own.  Tucker feels sorry for it and exposes it to what else exists, and offers asylum.  Archer overrides him and turns the co-genitor over to it's people.  

This surprised me, because normally on the other Trek series the "human condition" applies and it would've been some sort of trial and asylum granted.  Instead, Archer explains to Tucker applying human rights to non-humans isn't as simple when you throw in a non-interference  directive.
Link Posted: 10/20/2020 5:54:29 AM EDT
ToS (because it was the first!)
ST: Picard  (despite its many flaws it was really nice to see some of the old crew again)
list ends here

Link Posted: 10/20/2020 5:59:25 AM EDT
Toss up between the original and TNG
Link Posted: 10/20/2020 5:59:53 AM EDT
"Enterprise" isn't bad either.
Link Posted: 10/22/2020 12:13:25 AM EDT
I really liked enterprise. IMO, it's probably the most realistic ST series. The captain ALWAYS  knowing what to do in every situation no matter how novel, unique, or alien, as happens in pretty much all the other series, is pretty ridiculous and tiresome. In Enterprise they're just starting out, they're out of their element/league, and they know it. Things don't always work out. Their efforts don't always succeed. I really appreciated that about the show.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:37:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Moondog:
Last night I caught an Enterprise episode which fit what I was looking for in a pre-federation story.  At the core it was a granting asylum story, where the refuge is of a third gender required in conceiving children, but is considered a catalyst versus being a contributor in making the child.  Since they do no contribute, they are kept by the state and loaned out, and have no rights of their own.  Tucker feels sorry for it and exposes it to what else exists, and offers asylum.  Archer overrides him and turns the co-genitor over to it's people.  

This surprised me, because normally on the other Trek series the "human condition" applies and it would've been some sort of trial and asylum granted.  Instead, Archer explains to Tucker applying human rights to non-humans isn't as simple when you throw in a non-interference  directive.
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There's an SF Debris review of one of the episodes of Enterprise (that I don't remember ever seeing) where he tears the show a new one for Archer's decision to let a whole race of people die because "helping them" would be "interfering", when there is no prime directive yet.  An argument is made on the show that their evolution was going to lead them all to die, "so who are we to help?"  And they don't.  Similar things were tackled in TNG (Pen Pals, I think?), but they were dealing with a pre-warp civilization and trying to adhere to established principles and it was still argued against.  In Enterprise, there was nothing stopping them from helping, they'd already made contact, but they just said "fuck it, they're destined to all die and who are we to argue with fate?"  They're like people who would look at a lost child and say "well, we can't help the child find its mother because the child is doomed to die."

That kind of shit writing and bizarre logic before there was even a Prime Directive is fucking crazy.  It's also almost contrary to the whole humanist ethic of the show and the organizations celebrated by it.

In TOS, a captain goes rogue to vaporize a shitload of yangs to save some kohms who were being overwhelmed.  He was wrong, but he violated the PD to try to protect someone.  Sure, a lot of that episode is pretty lame, but "there are people who need help, we should help them somehow" was a core belief of the members of the Federation.  They eschewed violating the PD, but did so when they had to, because the PD is not in service to itself.

Hell, Sisko fabricated some lies to start a war because the war needed to be fought lest worse things happen.
Link Posted: 11/20/2020 3:55:34 PM EDT
I thought questionable decision making was one of the premises behind Enterprise.  Starting from the first episode, the Vulcans admit they intentionally did not interfere with Earth's development of more capable warp ships is because they felt humans were not emotionally or culturally mature enough to make the proper decisions when confronted with species and concepts that are alien  from their own.  The Vulcans had a non-interference policy, however I got the impression the Vulcans were more xenophobic than they were enlightened at that time.
Link Posted: 11/20/2020 4:10:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By jekbrown:
I'm actually rewatching DS9 right now...confirming my earlier opinion that it blows. Garak is the only redeeming feature of the entire series. Not a big fan of Sisko and his weird smiling at odd times like an insane person delivery, tired of hearing Kira bitch, Drag-zia is the stealth SJW tranny, Jake is an idiot, Dukat is just all over the place like he's got legit multiple personality disorder, Worf and Chief just feel like they are milking it / hanging on as long as it lasts, the doc went downhill ever since the whole genetic engineering thing, and Odo is the anti-gun cop. Bajor is thoroughly uninteresting. Kudos for the ST gang to actually recognize that there's still religion in space, but who knew that it would be so annoying? The worm hole could provide a lot of interest, but other than the Dominion, it's kind of just 'there'. Any time they go through it for anything else it's a very minor element of the plot.

So yeah, not a huge fan. The war with the Dominion, which takes about 6 seasons to actually get to, provides some cool explosions and crap, but it's also underwhelming, mainly because as cool as the ideas for the species are generally, with the changlings / vorta / jem'hadar and how those 3 interact with each other, the individual characters themselves are entirely uninteresting. Weyoun is played by the outstanding Jeffrey Combs (which we know is awesome because he plays Cmdr Shran in Enterprise to great effect), and is entirely wasted with the writing for this shitty character. Founders be like 'the link is awesome, everyone else is gonna die', and that's pretty much the extent of their 'character'. Jem-hadar are bad ass, but they are also kind of like Star Wars storm troopers. Without character and entirely expendable.
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Link Posted: 11/20/2020 4:21:59 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Moondog:
I thought questionable decision making was one of the premises behind Enterprise.  Starting from the first episode, the Vulcans admit they intentionally did not interfere with Earth's development of more capable warp ships is because they felt humans were not emotionally or culturally mature enough to make the proper decisions when confronted with species and concepts that are alien  from their own.  The Vulcans had a non-interference policy, however I got the impression the Vulcans were more xenophobic than they were enlightened at that time.
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They were enlightened xenophobes.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 1:18:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 1:29:26 AM EDT
Attachment Attached File

T'Pol....so Enterprise is my favorite.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 3:09:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#41]
TOS/ds9/tng/*some* episodes of enterprise.

For those who haven't seen it, a fan series continuation of TOS that's actually pretty good.

When I first saw it I though  of how the guy playing scotty had pinned the character pretty good. Than I found out it was doohan's son.


It takes a few episodes for the guy *trying* to fill nimoy's shoes as spock to find his stride.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 4:55:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gamma762:
TNG. Voyager was unwatchable and I gave up on it quickly... years later in reruns, some of the later seasons were ok. I watched many episodes of DS9 but never really got into it. Original series just could never get into, but liked the movies based on the original characters.
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So 3 years later I'll make an update. Enjoyed SNW, it would probably be #2. Discovery was just too wacky in several respects. I maybe watched one episode of Enterprise and never bothered to sit through any more.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 7:10:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By jekbrown:
I'm actually rewatching DS9 right now...confirming my earlier opinion that it blows. Garak is the only redeeming feature of the entire series. Not a big fan of Sisko and his weird smiling at odd times like an insane person delivery, tired of hearing Kira bitch, Drag-zia is the stealth SJW tranny, Jake is an idiot, Dukat is just all over the place like he's got legit multiple personality disorder, Worf and Chief just feel like they are milking it / hanging on as long as it lasts, the doc went downhill ever since the whole genetic engineering thing, and Odo is the anti-gun cop. Bajor is thoroughly uninteresting. Kudos for the ST gang to actually recognize that there's still religion in space, but who knew that it would be so annoying? The worm hole could provide a lot of interest, but other than the Dominion, it's kind of just 'there'. Any time they go through it for anything else it's a very minor element of the plot.

So yeah, not a huge fan. The war with the Dominion, which takes about 6 seasons to actually get to, provides some cool explosions and crap, but it's also underwhelming, mainly because as cool as the ideas for the species are generally, with the changlings / vorta / jem'hadar and how those 3 interact with each other, the individual characters themselves are entirely uninteresting. Weyoun is played by the outstanding Jeffrey Combs (which we know is awesome because he plays Cmdr Shran in Enterprise to great effect), and is entirely wasted with the writing for this shitty character. Founders be like 'the link is awesome, everyone else is gonna die', and that's pretty much the extent of their 'character'. Jem-hadar are bad ass, but they are also kind of like Star Wars storm troopers. Without character and entirely expendable.
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If it blows why are you re-watching it?

I watched about ten minutes of one episode and never watched it ever again.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 7:12:09 AM EDT
TOS is the best, THG was good for the first few years but turned to crap.

All of the rest are crap.
Link Posted: 10/30/2023 10:29:09 AM EDT

TOS was great in it's own right, but im not a big fan having almost zero underlying storyline and see it as good television for it's time.

After Rodenberry kicked the bucket you can see roughly where the stories started to become more complex and adult rather than utopian fantasyland.  It may not be everyones cup-o-tea, but I believed TNG suffered for the rules imposed by Rodenberry and the storytelling improved when he was no longer involved.  However, ou start getting actual character growth and persisting storieylines for the first time.

DS9 suffered for its first couple seasons as it tried to get out from the shadow of TNG and figure it's self out, but when it ironed that out after the first two seasons it gives us much more human storylines and relatable characters, which I greatly appreciated.

VOY was an odd duck in that there was some potental wasted by not playing up the 'alone and unsupported' aspect, which should have been the big underlying current of the whole series.  That said it wasn't a bad series and by current standards its damned near a masterpiece when compared to things like Discovery (which I like to refer to as STD) and most of Picard.

I enjoyed ENT, but people were a little tired of ST at the point it came out and I have always disliked time travel storylines like the one that became a major portion of ENT.  I would have liked to see the Federations formation and Romulan War start up sooner, which may have saved it from cancelation.

Anything that was produced after ENT is garbage as far as I see it, with the partial exception of the last season of Picard being passable.
Link Posted: 2/2/2024 1:34:39 AM EDT
[Last Edit: cdecro00] [#46]

I don’t know where to place Picard at yet. 1st season and a half were garbage. 3rd season was good but not great. I’ve never seen Prodigy so I can comment at all on it. Lower Decks was a surprise for me when I watched it for the first time.

SNW would’ve been higher but the second season REALLY drug it down with the musical episode especially and all the other meh and outright silly episodes that went with it. Plus the casting of Kirk was terrible.

I think we can all agree Discovery is garbage.
Link Posted: 2/2/2024 2:54:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MisterPX:

But I also like B5.
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Both good. I'm still waiting for the rumored B5 reboot. Grew up with TOS, still like its old school morality lessons (eg. pilot, episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before").
Link Posted: 2/4/2024 10:27:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Master_Blaster:

Both good. I'm still waiting for the rumored B5 reboot. Grew up with TOS, still like its old school morality lessons (eg. pilot, episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before").
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Is it an actual B5 remake reboot or A The Next Generation type thing. OR is it the reshoot of effects. There was a plan at one time to reshoot all the effects. The whole show live action part with the people type stuff was shot in 35mm movie film. HDTV was being planned then. The effects were all done in 4:3 aspect. Basically NTSC TV Tube type TV's we used to watch TV on.   That stuff has been lost for a long time now, sure there are rumors BUT All the disk are gone and lost.

SO the ideas was to take the Daily on set stuff and then redo the whole show in 1080P HD with all new effects color correct and all. Problem is Most of the cast is dead. I still haven't heard about the audio parts of it all.  Then see about broadcast or Streaming services. Straczynski Needs to be on board with the idea but it takes money. They would have to go back and redo all the ship designs in 3d render and then color correct everything and Figure out a way to FILL the 35mm image with background. While Filmed in 35mm set work and stuff was cropped off for the NTSC 4:3 Ratio.

I figure about $20,000,000 and 2 years and you would have it all done.
Link Posted: 2/4/2024 10:28:47 PM EDT
Original. Everything else is trash.
Link Posted: 2/11/2024 6:41:34 AM EDT
Enterprise & DS9 are my favorites, I wish Enterprise had gotten a few more seasons they were really hitting their stride the last 2 seasons.  I'd put TNG next then TOS & Voyager last.  If it wasn't for Jerri Ryan in that cat suit, I probably wouldn't have even watched all the season, kind of like STD.  I did watch all of the seasons of Picard, it had its moments but pretty disappointing overall.
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