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Posted: 9/19/2023 1:16:36 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Bo_Knows]
Update: 09/28

I was admitted to the hospital. After a couple of days and many tests, the doctors believe the cancer is causing the vomiting. Looking at the PET scan, the cancer is spread in a way similar to birdshot would be if I would have been shot in the stomach. They cannot remove it because there are so many small tumors spread out. I will be taking chemo to hopefully shrink the tumors and keep the cancer at bay.

One of the biggest obstacles to overcome in order to get chemo is to get some nutrients in me. They have been feeding me through my IV and today they put a feeding tube in. The tube was placed in a way that I will not vomit up the food that goes down it. In fact, they crushed a pill and mixed it with water then gave it to me via my new tube.

I feel so much better tonight after getting some nutrition. I had hit 110lbs on Monday morning, but my doctors were able to stop the decline and it seems I have gained a pound.

God is good and he is still in charge and on the throne. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. It means so much to me.


Update: 09/19/23

I’m going to fight. If I go down it will be while kicking and screaming and covered in someone else’s blood.

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. Also for the offers to talk if needed.


I’ve been fighting esophagus cancer for 3 years. It’s been a long 3 years and I’ve been in remission, then had it come back, then remission again. I have been having some issues the last couple months including a hospital stay for a collapsed lung.

I had a PET scan Friday and was able to confirm today at the oncologist office, what i thought I saw on the scan report Saturday. My cancer is back. It has metastasized into my liver, stomach, bowels and general abdominal area.

The Doctor also gave me 2 choices today

1. No Treatment and let it run is course. His “best guess” is I may get 3-6 months.

2. Another round of chemotherapy. If the chemo works, maybe 9 months to a year.

I understand he doesn’t know how long and these are just best guesses, but it gives me an idea of what I’m looking forward to.
My knee jerk reaction is to fight. I can not imagine going down without a fight. I’m going to sleep on it and pray about the next few days, but I will probably fight. I’m 53 yrs old and have a 21 yr old boy who is doing really good. He is in an apprenticeship program and on track to become an electrician. I also have a 14 yr old daughter who really needs her dad to be around for a while longer. She is a good kid, but she needs a dad. I’m divorced but get along pretty well with my ex who only lives a few blocks away. My ex is a good mom and person and will probably end up helping me when I get down even more. She is doing it for her kids.

Today I weigh 114lbs. I am 6’ and weighed 200lbs when I was diagnosed. I can barely eat now and 80% I do get down comes back up within 30 minutes. I’m not sure my body will live through another round of chemo.

This is probably one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made and I’m going to have to make it on my own. If you’re feeling it, I could sure use some prayers and especially prayers to help me make a good choice.

I am in moderate to severe pain due to the cancer. I’m also vomiting a lot and have no appetite. The Doctor has had me on THC pills for the nausea and appetite and Percocet for the pain. I am also in a round of steroids so I have to dance with the Ambien walrus just about every night or else I would get any sleep.  Today he put me on morphine.

All that just to say and explain that the medication is probably causing me to post more than I used to. I might also say some things I wouldn’t normally say. I apologize if I get a little goofy with my posts in the next few months. I have always enjoyed this place and have spent probably way more time on it then I should have. I don’t have any “friends” here to speak of and most of you probably won’t notice me when I’m gone, but thank you guys for the entertainment and information.

This is not a “I’m giving up” thread. I’m sure I will continue to fight as I have fought before, it’s just been a long day with some pretty high ups and downs and I needed to write it down.

Thanks for listening and reading this far.

Cancer sucks

Trust me…

Bo Knows cancer
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:19:45 AM EDT
Damn dude, prayers for the best.

Get right with God in the meantime.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:22:04 AM EDT
Praying for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:24:07 AM EDT
Prayers for you and your family, brother.  God's hand will guide you.  

Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:25:26 AM EDT
Sending my best wishes for you and your loved ones.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:25:32 AM EDT
Sorry to hear this.  I'll pray for you to have wisdom, and of course pray for healing.  Who knows what God will do?  God bless, Sir.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:25:43 AM EDT
Don't worry about what you post. Don't get down on yourself for whichever way you choose. Sorry to hear about your battle again.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:27:18 AM EDT
I will pray for you.  Keep your chin up and fight, as you said, you have reasons to fight it.

If I were in your shoes, I would be willing to try anything, including fenben.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:27:28 AM EDT
Damn. I’m so sorry to read this. I wish you the best and pray for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:29:37 AM EDT
Snap bro. That's a rough situation and feel for you. Prayers that things go the best they can for you.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:31:36 AM EDT
That's rough. Fuck cancer.

Prayers sent for you and your family

Any idea what may have caused your cancer? It's ok if you don't wish to talk about it.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:34:19 AM EDT
Prayers sent for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:37:03 AM EDT
May the Lord bless you and yours. May he give you peace and may you be free from pain.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:39:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:39:56 AM EDT
I’m praying for you and family op.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:41:32 AM EDT
My prayers are with you.

Your head is already in the right place because you are thinking about your children and how to make the most of the time with them.

My dad died suddenly with no warning when I was 21 and even a few hours would have made a big difference to me.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:41:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:42:57 AM EDT
Praying the good Lord up above will give you lots of strength.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:43:16 AM EDT

God bless you my friend.

In the larger sense, everything will be fine.

Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:43:41 AM EDT
Prayer sent.

Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:43:42 AM EDT
Discussion ForumsJump to Quoted PostQuote History
Originally Posted By TheOldRepublic:
That's rough. Fuck cancer.

Prayers sent for you and your family

Any idea what may have caused your cancer? It's ok if you don't wish to talk about it.
View Quote

Smoking and not controlling my acid reflux. The cancer started at the base of my esophagus near the stomach. Acid reflux probably caused it more than the smoking did. Still I wish I had never smoked.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:46:04 AM EDT
Damn.  I'm sorry man.  I hope you have a lot of months of good quality time left, is all I can say.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:48:45 AM EDT
:( Best wishes! Don't worry about what you post! Take care
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:53:53 AM EDT
I’m not the praying kind, but prayers. Brother, chemo will kill you, I’ve got family members that went down that road. I’m sorry, no easy answers, no easy words.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 1:53:55 AM EDT
I will pray for you.

I am fighting cancer too. I have a case of colangiocarcinoma, also known as bile duct cancer and undergoing chemotherapy.

I understand the loss of appetite, weight, and the toll it plays on your mind.

I promised to fight it to all of my loved ones and friends.You can fight it. If you fight it and win again, great. If you fight it and go down, be comforted in the fact that there will be people who knew you fought it and did not raise the white flag.

May God be on your side. May you FIGHT ON and be victorious.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:11:32 AM EDT
Fight my friend.  It’ll be terrible, but your family needs you.  May God bless you.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:16:36 AM EDT
Fight my brother and kick that cancers ass. Prayers for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:23:24 AM EDT
Discussion ForumsJump to Quoted PostQuote History
Originally Posted By duneriderltr450:
Fight my brother and kick that cancers ass. Prayers for you and your family.
View Quote

Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:29:23 AM EDT
I have  lost 3 family members to cancer, I feel for your children.

My prayers are you do not suffer while battling this.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:32:33 AM EDT
Prayers for you, my friend.

Tough choice between the two, but your mention of your daughter tells me you already know your path.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:39:44 AM EDT
Prayers for you to make a good choice and spend more time with your kids🙏
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:42:55 AM EDT
I'm sorry good buddy.

I've got a sister in law that has sarcoma, automatic stage 4.  She's done two rounds of chemotherapy.  I've seen and heard how bad it is, she really felt like skipping it and just let it ride the second time around, but she got back in there and fought.

I pray all the best for you and the family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:46:28 AM EDT
I'm so sorry to hear this, I'll be praying for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:47:42 AM EDT
I'm so sorry to read this.
And if it helps brother, here's a hug.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 2:51:39 AM EDT
You absolutely have my prayers Bo. I stopped praying for my brother-in-law today because he died today. So you get them all. I hope you are able to fight and beat this. It's a rough journey, one I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:01:01 AM EDT
Good luck Bo. 3rd time is a charm. I know we say it sarcastically but in my life and circle of friends I can think of many times where 3rd really is the win. You'll beat it for good this time.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:01:59 AM EDT
When I read threads like this one I usually pray, "Lord, use these circumstances to get this person to be concerned about his soul and not just his body, and to be concerned about his sin against you and consider what you did so that he might receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life."

But I don't have to pray that prayer for you because "Bo knows Jesus!"

Sorry you have to go through this brother, but I know you know Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

He might cure you, or he might take you home.

I think you will be a winner either way.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:10:08 AM EDT
Dang Bo. That is a lot of stuff to unpack. I’m so sorry to hear this. Prayers sent. Comfort to you friend.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:11:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Papposilenus] [#38]
I'm sorry to hear that

If palliative care (it isn't hospice) is an option consider it during treatment.  Sometimes managing symptoms and help with appetite can help treatment last longer, not always, but there is rarely a downside
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:13:10 AM EDT
[Last Edit: KA3B] [#39]
You are in my prayers.

Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:14:20 AM EDT
Positive thoughts and vibes. Good luck in your battle if you choose to do so.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:25:05 AM EDT
Sorry brother. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:26:44 AM EDT
Prayers sent.  It's telling that you aren't thinking of yourself, but your children in this moment.   You're a good father...may our Heavenly Father be with you, your son and daughter,  your ex, and all of the doctors, nurses and staff.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:31:51 AM EDT
I’m sorry to hear and prayers sent.

It’s a difficult decision and I pray for the guidance to make the correct one for you and your family.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 3:51:21 AM EDT
I'm sorry, brother.  Prayers inbound.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:01:56 AM EDT
Been down this road with my wife.  I will say a prayer that you will have comfort in whatever decision you make.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:06:41 AM EDT
Thank you for sharing your situation. I am truly sorry that you and your family are going through this. I pray for you and your family. As a father with children your age I feel a personal connection with your situation. Be strong and love those kids.

Extra prayers for you sir.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:07:16 AM EDT
I don’t know you from Adam, but I’m sorry you’re going through this. Every day is a gift. Try to stay positive whatever you decide.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:08:27 AM EDT
Good luck to you
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:12:43 AM EDT
OP, Mrs Rabinowitz and I offer our deepest sympathies and sincerest prayers in your struggle.
Link Posted: 9/19/2023 4:21:32 AM EDT
I won't tell you what to do because I'm not in your shoes. Many people will say they know what they would do, but nobody ever really knows, until they are faced with the situation. It's kind of like what Mike Tyson says: "Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face".

But I will tell you this: I am also 53 years old. I also have a 14 year old daughter. My father died suddenly when I was 14. I knew then and I know even more now at 53 and with a 14 year old daughter of my own that I needed every second more that I could have had with him. Every....single...second. And my daughter needs me and needs every second more that I can give her. And it's almost a certainty that your daughter needs the same.

Whatever you decide, may God give you peace, and bless you and your family.
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