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Posted: 9/26/2021 1:35:24 PM EDT
On the evening of November 21, 1963, several Secret Service agents went out looking for something to eat and drink. Some of them drank a little too much alcohol.
It appears that two of the agents couldn't fulfill their regular duties of riding on the back bumper of the presidential limo as they had in past motorcades. A driver/agent
was assigned to take their place. He was given command of the AR-15, a weapon he never qualified on. As the motorcade traveled through Dealey Plaza, a passing train
set off three railroad torpedoes near the grassy knoll at the worst possible moment. The railroad torpedoes are used as a warning device to warn a train to slow down.
They're spaced 20' feet apart and sound just like a bolt-action rifle being fired three times. They emit a puff of white smoke after they explode.

The driver/agent thought the motorcade was under fire and prepared to return fire. He grabbed the AR-15, safety off, finger on the trigger, when JFK's limo driver braked
for an instant. This caused the followup car to brake, causing the agent to fall back and reflexively grip the weapon and fire three rounds with one trigger pull. The crowd
ran towards the grassy knoll looking for the shooters, but found no evidence of a gun being fired.

When the motorcade arrived at the hospital, the Secret Service called Bobby Kennedy and told him there was an accident. Bobby is the only one who had the authority to order
a coverup. He thought it would be more befitting if it appeared his brother died from an assassin then from an accident.

Link Posted: 9/26/2021 1:38:42 PM EDT
Mystery solved.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 1:47:06 PM EDT
What was Elivis's part in all this?
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 1:47:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 1:52:52 PM EDT
Read "The Death of A President" by William Manchester for the hints of truth written between the lines of the Official Lies. Here's the key excerpt from the 1967 First Edition on page 645:

  "On N Street Mrs. Kennedy reached the depths of grief. By spring she could no longer take refuge in work; Nancy and Pam were handling that efficiently. She was tormented by ifs: if only she had insisted on a bubbletop that morning, if she had just turned to her right sooner, if the Secret Service had put two men on the back of the car . . . if, if, if. Brooding was pointless now. Nevertheless she couldn't cut it off. She would nap afternoons and lie awake throughout the night, turning things over and over in her mind. She considered Oswald and hoped he had been part of a conspiracy, for then there would be an air of inevitability about the tragedy; then she could persuade herself that if the plotters had missed on Elm Street they would have eventually succeeded elsewhere. What was so terrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak, that an inch or two here, a moment or two there would have reversed history. “I should have known that it was asking too much to dream that I might have grown old with him and see our children grow up together . . . so now he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man,” she wrote later in the year."

(I could offer many more sources, but I'm limited to 2000 characters. And people would complain there's too much to read).
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 1:54:32 PM EDT
July 1963 - Elvis begins recording and filming for “Viva Las Vegas,” co-starring Ann-Margret. It will be his 15th movie to be released, as “Kissin' Cousins,” which he is to shoot next, will actually be released before “Viva Las Vegas.”
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 2:05:30 PM EDT
Shot by Oswald: Killed by Hickey Jr.

Link Posted: 9/26/2021 2:07:30 PM EDT
First I have heard about train torpedos.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 2:08:37 PM EDT
These are some of the books I used in my research:

"The Echo from Dealey Plaza" by Abraham Bolden. He was the only black Secret Service agent to serve on JFK's protective detail. Very revealing.

"The Last Dissenting Witness" by Jean Hill and Bill Sloan. Confirms the deaths of several witnesses by reliable sources.

"The Day Kennedy Was Shot" by Jim Bishop. Tells the truth how Oswald was treated by the Dallas Police Dept.

"Last Train from Dealey Plaza" by Fred T. Newcomb. Article about the train that set off the railroad torpedoes.

"Mortal Error" by Bonar Menniger. Forensic analysis of the ballistics evidence.

“JFK: The Smoking Gun" by Colin McLaren

"The Dark Side of Camelot" by Seymour M. Hersh. The word on the street in Boston is don't mess with the Kennedy's. There's a reason why they call them the Irish Mafia.

Link Posted: 9/26/2021 2:18:20 PM EDT
Thanks op
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 2:19:23 PM EDT
The first time I heard about the railway torpedoes was in the book, "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" by Jim Bishop. I Googled the term and found a written statement by Dallas Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford
he gave on 11/23/63. He said, "On Friday, November 22, 1963, at about 12:30 pm, I was standing in front of the Sheriff's Office watching the Presidential Motorcade. The President's car had passed my location
a couple of minutes when I heard a loud report which I thought was a railroad torpedo, as it sounded as if it came from the railroad yard."

I never even knew what a railway torpedo was until I read that book. There are several videos on YouTube that show them exploding. They're very loud and very dangerous if mishandled. They're no longer used

A law enforcement officer familiar with the area is a highly credible witness. If you look at an overhead view of Dealey Plaza, you'll see several railroad tracks right next to the motorcade route.
Railroad torpedoes were not on anyone's radar. The Dallas city fathers wanted security to be air tight, and it was. Nothing was left to chance. It was the one thing no one had anticipated.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 3:30:21 PM EDT
It actually seems like a decent theory:  Oswald takes potshots at the motorcade, then the secret service accidentally shoots JFK with an AR.  A lot of the weirdness from the case then stems from the coverup.  This still doesn't explain EVERYTHING (Jack Ruby, etc.), but it makes about as much sense as anything else.

To put it bluntly, the Zapruder film looks like JFK was shot in the back of the head with a high-velocity round.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 4:26:39 PM EDT
[Last Edit: sandblaster] [#12]
I don’t know why the railroad torpedos exploding has not been prominently featured in assassination discussions.

Based on YT videos, railroad torpedos are very loud when ignited and emit a volume of white smoke.

It seems that individuals along the motorcade route near the overpass may have heard railroad torpedo explosions and associated the explosions with gunfire.

Very interesting.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 4:57:11 PM EDT
Bobby Kennedy was the only one who had the authority to order a coverup. Oswald didn't shoot at anybody.
He got the blame. The public would want to know how the police knew to arrest him. Officer Tippit was killed
to create a false narrative. My research indicates that Officer Tippit was not well liked on the police force, and
deemed expendable. A witness named Acquilla Clemons saw Officer Tippit get shot said it was two guys who did it,
neither of them Oswald.

The detective who escorted Oswald as he was shot wore a tan suit. He didn't own that suit, he borrowed it.
He wanted to wear a high-contrast color so he wouldn't get shot by Jack Ruby.

Dan Rather saw the Zapruder film shortly after it was developed. He reported that JFK's head rocketed forward
after being shot. He then went back on the air and said JFK's head rocketed back. JFK was shot from behind.
A pathologist said the fracture pattern in JFK's skull is consistent with a shot from behind. The Zapruder film
released to the public has numerous discrepancies that don't support what the eyewitnesses saw. It was edited
to support the official story.

The press went along with the coverup because they thought it was the right thing to do. It was necessary to
maintain the public's faith in the government. The Warren Commission was formed so they could control the evidence
and the witnesses. The prevailing law gave Texas legal control, which was circumvented.
Link Posted: 9/26/2021 5:31:27 PM EDT
I don't recall testimony from Lee Edward Bowers Jr. who was at work in the rail yard tower behind the stockade fence, mentioning torpedoes exploding.

Link Posted: 9/26/2021 7:20:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By sandblaster:
First I have heard about train torpedos.
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Here's one type:

Link Posted: 9/26/2021 7:28:14 PM EDT
Here's the Zapruder film.

The Zapruder Film - Full Length, Full Width, Good Quality

There's no agent on the back of the President's car until after he's shot. Stop the film at 0:17; to go forward frame-by-frame, press the period; to go backward, press comma.

No AR15 to be seen, either.
Link Posted: 9/28/2021 9:02:12 PM EDT
This theory that a Secret Service agent shot him is ridiculous for too many reasons to go into.  I hope you don't really believe this little fairy tale.
Link Posted: 10/1/2021 12:36:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: zoinks] [#18]
I have always been amazed by the fact that the majority of Americans don't want to believe that Oswald killed Kennedy. I've never understood why.

I have a theory about humanity that it likes to be deluded by others and self-deluded as well, plus humanity likes Ptolemaic "answers" rather than simple truths.

Also, I'm amazed that these same people would rather suffer than change their minds. It's amazing to me.

Oswald was a known member of the American Communist Party. You just don't become a CP member. You go through a long process to enure your political reliability. Every Communist Party in every country at the time owed allegiance to the Communist Party in the USSR. Ultimately, no one became a CP member anywhere without Soviet say-so.
Oswald defected to the USSR. He gave classified information to the Soviets causing the US Navy to change codes/procedures.
Oswald renounced his US citizenship both by letter and by personal interview. For whatever reason, it was not accepted.
Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship. For whatever reason, it was not approved.
This is not the behavior of someone who is pro-American. (Nor is it the behavior of a "double agent" for those that believe he was conning various governments.)
Oswald had mental issues. That's not in dispute. What seems to be is that many people offer that as an excuse, and therefore diminish his role in killing Kennedy. This is a huge mistake. Oswald's mental issues are what gave him drive, focus and impatience when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to complete his actions.

Oswald killed Kennedy.

But, many people would rather believe fantasies about Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancanna, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, (Lake fucking Tahoe!! Keep it Blue, fuckoes!!,) all working with the CIA to kill Kennedy (apparently poisoning him through the drugs Kennedy was normally high on wasn't going to work) because of something.

All the while, Americans still don't want to believe that in some way or some how an ideological enemy of the US, an enemy that believed that there could only be one victor in this struggle, shouldn't even be seen as some how complicit in a murder when the Soviets murdered 10s of millions to accomplish marginal ends. I am amazed.

ETA: fixing bad typing. There's probably more to do later.

Link Posted: 10/1/2021 12:58:15 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Ranman223] [#19]
He wasn’t motivated to move into Vietnam after the retarded Bay of pigs fiasco so the military industrial complex ,
 ( who needed a war ) went with Johnson and offed JFK .

True story .
Link Posted: 10/1/2021 1:31:38 AM EDT
Back and to the left...

His head went back and to the left, from a shot from above and to the rear...

Bill Hicks - JFK Assassination

Link Posted: 10/1/2021 10:14:50 AM EDT
You guys need to go hunting more. Oswald killed him. Oswald had the skills and motivation.  If you want to see a conspiracy look at the shooting of MLKjr.
Link Posted: 10/1/2021 10:25:00 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FrankSymptoms] [#22]
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Originally Posted By zoinks:
I have always been amazed by the fact that the majority of Americans don't want to believe that Oswald killed Kennedy. I've never understood why.

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Originally Posted By zoinks:
I have always been amazed by the fact that the majority of Americans don't want to believe that Oswald killed Kennedy. I've never understood why.

They also believe that:

The Earth is Flat.
Elvis is alive, living in (you supply the answer).
Bigfoot is real.
Biden won a fair election.
The list is endless.

It's impossible to make a 265.748 foot shot (80 meters) with an unscoped rifle.
The bullet had to describe a very zig-zag path to do the destruction it did.
Link Posted: 10/1/2021 10:49:48 AM EDT
As far as why people don't want to believe Oswald killed Kennedy: People were absolutely in love with the Kennedy clan, and with JFK/Jackie Kennedy... despite the repeated stories of his infidelity, they COULD NOT believe that he was as venal as all that... even to this day.

Don't forget that JFK was the family's "runner-up" for the Presidential election. His older brother Joseph was hands-on  the favorite, until he was heroically killed in action. (The family was understandibly devastated- but if you don't think that they spun the story in their favor, you're not in this world.)

(He was killed when he armed the explosives on a  PB4Y-1s (the Navy version of the B-24D) which had been turned into a drone.)

Link Posted: 10/1/2021 7:31:35 PM EDT
According to the X-Files The Cigarette Smoking Man killed Kennedy from the sewer opening.

Link Posted: 10/6/2021 9:02:07 AM EDT
Read Case Closed by Gerald Posner.  He makes a good, factual, case that Oswald acted alone.
Link Posted: 10/6/2021 9:59:32 AM EDT
[Last Edit: RinsableTick] [#26]
OP, I'm just trying to figure out how you get an AR15 to fire three rounds with a single trigger pull.

Edit:  In "theory" Mr. ATF man, only in theory, not in real life.
Link Posted: 10/6/2021 10:59:58 AM EDT
I didn't know AR's chambered in 6.5x52 were a thing in 1963, or ever.
Link Posted: 10/31/2021 5:05:17 PM EDT
Me thinks OP is trolling.
Link Posted: 11/10/2021 10:24:59 AM EDT
So the Carcano was planted?
Link Posted: 11/19/2021 2:49:11 AM EDT
[Last Edit: D6T] [#30]
Link Posted: 11/19/2021 12:26:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FrankSymptoms] [#31]
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Originally Posted By D6T:

I retired fairly recently from one of the three letter agencies. A handful of times I found myself confronted with situations where I learned the truth about a historical event and it was far from any official narrative— sometimes far from any speculation I’d heard. I can’t get into detail obviously, but I’ll be more specific on one example. In the course of my work I learned the identity of a criminal whom the mainstream knows to be “never identified and never caught”. The suspect has indeed been identified by law enforcement and among those who worked the case there is no doubt that the person committed at least most (if not all) of the crimes. However sufficient evidence to present charges was never solid enough. The suspect eventually passed away anyhow.

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I don't mean to be disparaging to anyone in the LEO field, they work long and hard to do their jobs... but to quote Clifford Stoll (actually  kind of paraphrasing him):
"It left me with an appreciation of just how our legal system actually protects us."*

*Stoll, author of The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage, spent eighteen months tracking a computer hacker; he frequently  found that the USA's protections against unwarranted intrusion and arrest kept the police from providing him any meaningful help.

I found the book to be fascinating, and recommend it to anyone who works in the IT industry.
Link Posted: 11/22/2021 5:08:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By D6T:
I've been to Dealey Plaza, I've been on the self-guided tour of the museum in the book depository.

Oswald's alleged perch is recreated and blocked off from anyone actually occupying; in my opinion the distance from there to the white letter Xs painted on the road where the bullets struck Kennedy would not be a very difficult shot for someone with a scoped rifle and sufficient training. Probably difficult for anyone unless the motorcade slowed down sufficiently, but I can imagine that someone who repeatedly went over the scenario could make the shots.

As far as the time to work the bolt on the rifle versus the vehicle's velocity and actually making two shots that quickly, I'm not sure of. The plaza itself and the distances are a lot smaller in person than I had imagined. But the space between the two Xs wasn't very far.

All of that being said, I haven't read about this mystery in a long time but I always imagined that there was no lone gunman, whether or not Oswald pulled the trigger even once.

One possibility is that the truth is a scenario that no published author has ever been "permitted" to reveal, and perhaps hasn't even occurred to the most imaginative speculative minds.

I retired fairly recently from one of the three letter agencies. A handful of times I found myself confronted with situations where I learned the truth about a historical event and it was far from any official narrative sometimes far from any speculation I'd heard. I can't get into detail obviously, but I'll be more specific on one example. In the course of my work I learned the identity of a criminal whom the mainstream knows to be "never identified and never caught". The suspect has indeed been identified by law enforcement and among those who worked the case there is no doubt that the person committed at least most (if not all) of the crimes. However sufficient evidence to present charges was never solid enough. The suspect eventually passed away anyhow.

Being an older person, I still love paper books and I was walking through a bookstore one day when I stopped in my tracks because there were numerous books on the shelf about this case. Out of curiosity I picked up each one and looked in the index located in the rear of the book. None had the name of the suspect, all had the names of people whom the public had speculated on. I was somewhat surprised. Searching online, indeed the suspect's name now appears buried deep in some speculative forums. A quick perusal gave me the the feeling that someone, somewhere doesn't want the suspect's name given much association with the crimes, as I noticed some misinformation sprinkled throughout.

Just some thoughts that occurred to me after I read this thread.

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Congrats on Retirement!!

Getting to your point about using a bolt action rifle while shooting at a moving target, I would suggest this breaking down your observations further.
There's a difference in the time it takes to re-acquire a target moving laterally or moving toward you or moving away from you. The experiencing of Time, being relative and all, a target moving away from you is probably easier to shoot for a practiced shooter, and if it's easier mentally, more than likely the you will end up with better results. I write this as the "lone gunman" theory fits more of the known "facts" than any other theory. (Most of these other theories were created to "answer" specific unexplained observations and thus do not have answers for the whole.)

If I understand your central point correctly, it would require an effort by the gov't and all involved not to talk. I would say that's impossible for something along the lines of assassinating a sitting president. Recently, we had one of the greatest political shames foisted on us by one political party and a big chunk of the gov't. By early 2017, people who didn't have their heads up their asses, understood the personalities involved, their motivations, and just how full of shit the whole episode of "collusion" was.

Why did we know all of this by early 2017 when it just started in the middle of 2016? People were already talking; sources were being anonymous out loud. And this was a huge undertaking, and it was breaking down almost as soon as it had begun. If it wasn't for the efforts of 10s of millions of allegedly smart people, the truth would've been much easier to accept.

So, for a small operation, sure the truth is easy to keep hidden for a whole host of reasons. But, for something as large as a political assassination, I can't see everyone keeping their mouths closed unless they're helped.
Link Posted: 11/22/2021 5:24:26 PM EDT
A tiger got him according to Bill Nye.

Link Posted: 11/22/2021 5:28:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Andrewsky:
This theory that a Secret Service agent shot him is ridiculous for too many reasons to go into.  I hope you don't really believe this little fairy tale.
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Yep. Been debunked too many times.

Only one person had the authority to cover everything up. And he ordered the CIA and FBI to do it.
Just release all the classified documents and we’ll know the truth.
Link Posted: 11/26/2021 8:30:50 PM EDT
[Last Edit: DogtownTom] [#35]
About eight years ago, I met one of the Secret Service agents on duty in Dallas the day Kennedy was shot.
Mike Howard
I sat in his living room (with a friend who is a current USSS) and had a cup of coffee. He told us about LBJ telling him to "go get that woman (Oswalds wife) and take care of her". He and a couple of other USSS agents took Mrs Oswald, his mother and kids and drove them to a hotel near Six Flags where they stayed until they could move them into a safe house.  He believed Oswald acted alone.

He was/is, ranch manager for the Brinker Ranch (Norman Brinker was the guy who founded Chili's and dozens of other restaurant chains)  in McKinney, TX. He built his own private gun range on the property with earth berms better than any commercial gun range in Dallas.

Link Posted: 11/28/2021 5:05:43 PM EDT
I believe Oswald was left handed which would mean he didn't have to come off the gun to work the bolt, but I also believe that there are others involved.
Link Posted: 12/4/2021 4:12:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BLUEBOY:
I believe Oswald was left handed which would mean he didn't have to come off the gun to work the bolt, but I also believe that there are others involved.
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The USMC takes their marksmanship seriously. If you're good, they want you better, so they train unlike the Air Force which is where I served. If you were good, they expected you to maintain or get better all on your own. Totally different outlook.

So, he was quite capable of hitting man-sized targets out to 500 yards with enough consistency to be a Marksman in accordance with Marine standards.

When I used to be a competitive shooter, when new guys showed up to join the club, you could tell who had been in the Marines the first time out. It's that much of a difference.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 6:38:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By zoinks:
Oswald was a known member of the American Communist Party. You just don't become a CP member. You go through a long process to enure your political reliability. Every Communist Party in every country at the time owed allegiance to the Communist Party in the USSR. Ultimately, no one became a CP member anywhere without Soviet say-so.
Oswald defected to the USSR. He gave classified information to the Soviets causing the US Navy to change codes/procedures.
Oswald renounced his US citizenship both by letter and by personal interview. For whatever reason, it was not accepted.
Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship. For whatever reason, it was not approved.
This is not the behavior of someone who is pro-American. (Nor is it the behavior of a "double agent" for those that believe he was conning various governments.)
Oswald had mental issues. That's not in dispute. What seems to be is that many people offer that as an excuse, and therefore diminish his role in killing Kennedy. This is a huge mistake. Oswald's mental issues are what gave him drive, focus and impatience when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to complete his actions.

Oswald killed Kennedy.

But, many people would rather believe fantasies about Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancanna, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, (Lake fucking Tahoe!! Keep it Blue, fuckoes!!,) all working with the CIA to kill Kennedy (apparently poisoning him through the drugs Kennedy was normally high on wasn't going to work) because of something.

All the while, Americans still don't want to believe that in some way or some how an ideological enemy of the US, an enemy that believed that there could only be one victor in this struggle, shouldn't even be seen as some how complicit in a murder when the Soviets murdered 10s of millions to accomplish marginal ends. I am amazed.

ETA: fixing bad typing. There's probably more to do later.

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So Oswald set up the attempts in Chicago and Tampa all by himself? Please tell me more.

Link Posted: 12/12/2021 3:09:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By cmmeur01:

So Oswald set up the attempts in Chicago and Tampa all by himself? Please tell me more.

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Originally Posted By cmmeur01:
Originally Posted By zoinks:
Oswald was a known member of the American Communist Party. You just don't become a CP member. You go through a long process to enure your political reliability. Every Communist Party in every country at the time owed allegiance to the Communist Party in the USSR. Ultimately, no one became a CP member anywhere without Soviet say-so.
Oswald defected to the USSR. He gave classified information to the Soviets causing the US Navy to change codes/procedures.
Oswald renounced his US citizenship both by letter and by personal interview. For whatever reason, it was not accepted.
Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship. For whatever reason, it was not approved.
This is not the behavior of someone who is pro-American. (Nor is it the behavior of a "double agent" for those that believe he was conning various governments.)
Oswald had mental issues. That's not in dispute. What seems to be is that many people offer that as an excuse, and therefore diminish his role in killing Kennedy. This is a huge mistake. Oswald's mental issues are what gave him drive, focus and impatience when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to complete his actions.

Oswald killed Kennedy.

But, many people would rather believe fantasies about Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancanna, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, (Lake fucking Tahoe!! Keep it Blue, fuckoes!!,) all working with the CIA to kill Kennedy (apparently poisoning him through the drugs Kennedy was normally high on wasn't going to work) because of something.

All the while, Americans still don't want to believe that in some way or some how an ideological enemy of the US, an enemy that believed that there could only be one victor in this struggle, shouldn't even be seen as some how complicit in a murder when the Soviets murdered 10s of millions to accomplish marginal ends. I am amazed.

ETA: fixing bad typing. There's probably more to do later.

So Oswald set up the attempts in Chicago and Tampa all by himself? Please tell me more.

I admit, I'm confused by your post. Nothing is mentioned about Oswald "setting up" attempts anywhere else, so there's really nothing I can tell anyone without it being some crazy conspiracy theory.
That was the point of my postings. People prefer crazy conspiracy theories and Ptolemaic constructions.
The Cities that actually were referenced in the quote you picked were power centers of the American "Mob" at the time frame.
I have no knowledge of any conspiracy theory involving Tampa, Fl., so I won't be able to tell you more. Apologies.
The only fact I can offer is that Oswald did travel to Mexico City to visit the USSR Embassy before Kennedy went to Dallas. Other than that, I there's nothing I can add until I understand what you meant.
Link Posted: 12/12/2021 11:08:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By zoinks:
I admit, I'm confused by your post. Nothing is mentioned about Oswald "setting up" attempts anywhere else, so there's really nothing I can tell anyone without it being some crazy conspiracy theory.
That was the point of my postings. People prefer crazy conspiracy theories and Ptolemaic constructions.
The Cities that actually were referenced in the quote you picked were power centers of the American "Mob" at the time frame.
I have no knowledge of any conspiracy theory involving Tampa, Fl., so I won't be able to tell you more. Apologies.
The only fact I can offer is that Oswald did travel to Mexico City to visit the USSR Embassy before Kennedy went to Dallas. Other than that, I there's nothing I can add until I understand what you meant.
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If Soviet Russia wanted him gone, they would've included him the "10s of millions" like you mentioned. Why go through all the trouble for one guy would be immediately replaced?

Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:21:11 AM EDT
I always wondered what JFK knew about the Clintons.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:54:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:....No AR15 to be seen, either.
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I read this paperback several years ago. Like everything about the JFK killing, you don't know what to believe


Photo showing driver and Agent George Hickey, shortly after JFK was killed, holding the AR-15 rifle that accidental shooting theorists say killed Kennedy.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:56:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 3:18:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By VitalSignsAbsent:



If Soviet Russia wanted him gone, they would've included him the "10s of millions" like you mentioned. Why go through all the trouble for one guy would be immediately replaced?

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Originally Posted By VitalSignsAbsent:
Originally Posted By zoinks:
I admit, I'm confused by your post. Nothing is mentioned about Oswald "setting up" attempts anywhere else, so there's really nothing I can tell anyone without it being some crazy conspiracy theory.
That was the point of my postings. People prefer crazy conspiracy theories and Ptolemaic constructions.
The Cities that actually were referenced in the quote you picked were power centers of the American "Mob" at the time frame.
I have no knowledge of any conspiracy theory involving Tampa, Fl., so I won't be able to tell you more. Apologies.
The only fact I can offer is that Oswald did travel to Mexico City to visit the USSR Embassy before Kennedy went to Dallas. Other than that, I there's nothing I can add until I understand what you meant.



If Soviet Russia wanted him gone, they would've included him the "10s of millions" like you mentioned. Why go through all the trouble for one guy would be immediately replaced?

Your post is much easier to understand for me than cmmeur01, so now I see what you guys are driving at.

First, thanks for the links, but I'm not sure what or which points they settle! If we take them out of the context of the Kennedy assassination, would they be a typical news story?

First and foremost, in both links, nothing happened. No actions were completed; people "disappeared" before being questioned by authorities; files were claimed to have been inappropriately or illegally destroyed. To put in a slightly different context, I live in the SF Bay area where last night literally thousands of liquor stores were not robbed.

I have no idea how many threats against a President or former President the US Secret Service investigates per year. It's probably a lot with some way more credible than others, but with pretty much all of them amounting to not much otherwise, there would be arrests galore and actual trials with prison terms handed out when the guilty verdict is read instead of the handful per year of crazy people who threaten elected officials across the US. As there are far more investigations than actual attacks, I would then assume that here there would be a lot of files filled with "nothing happened." Overall, an arrest is noteworthy sometimes, but the other thing these links have in common is that there's a book to buy in case you want to learn more. (That's not a reflection on you, VitalSignsAbsent.) (I'm also not going to poke holes in the incongruities of the articles as that might be construed as off topic, but I don't know that to be the case as the times here at arf are confusing.)

Now, let's put the links back into context of both the actual assassination and the over all time of Post-WWII. Whether one believes the story of the first link is true enough or the story of the second link is true enough, or any of the competing theories of the assassination are true enough, from a historical perspective, it seems that a lot of people/organizations with means, and not just US people, but from all over the World were actively engaged in trying to assassinate Kennedy. Is this a reasonable proposition or is it the plot to "Smokin' Aces staring Jeremy Piven?

I don't have a good answer to that question, and the reason is because History is that study of things that actually happened. You do your best to find reliable primary sources and play Devil's advocate a lot! Some things are really juicy and can add flavor to a story, but is that History? That's the problem we have here IMO. We have an action that changed a time line to something different, complete with all kinds of consequences and ramifications towards possible futures. Then, we have a lot more "wanna-be" stories fighting to become part of the narrative. Then the real fight begins to decide which are important and which are fluff, and which aren't even true, just noise meant to confuse to satisfy the originator(s) purpose.

How easy is all of this to instigate? Two words: Russian Collusion.

Ending with what I highlighted in Red, I don't believe the "Russians" wanted him gone. That doesn't mean that the security apparatus of the USSR didn't have plans to kill political leaders in foreign countries. I'm very positive that the USSR had lots of political enemies assassinated. The KGB had a directorship  called SMERSH just for this purpose, as did the NKVD and the Cheka before them. Jan Maseryk and Georgi Markov are the first two that come to mind.

But also in this time frame, the "Cuban Missile Crisis" also occurred. Khrushchev was on his way out. It seems that the Party leadership had enough of what they called "hare-brained" schemes. They were too busy to be involved in a plot to kill Kennedy, again IMO.

But again, it doesn't mean that they didn't have "sleeper" agents here, be they American or Canadian, who were ready when activated to cause as much damage as possible to the US.

I'm not saying that Oswald was a "sleeper." I assume that was the original interest in him by the Soviets, though. And, while the Soviets did like sociopaths to do certain jobs, Oswald was not controllable. He had a history of proving that. Oswald would only make the ranks of the "useful idiot."

Link Posted: 12/15/2021 2:36:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2021 2:22:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 6172crew:
New JFK FIles
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Cool find, 6172crew!

If you hadn't read it, it outlines two of the famous four plots to kill Castro by the Kennedy Admin without naming the Kennedy Admin. This report covers the water soluble pill into a hot liquid plot, plus the "let's smuggle a gun or two in Cuba" plot.

The other two plots involved exploding cigars that Castro liked to smoke, and a diving wet suit coated with some bio agent that would cause sickness leading to death. Apparently, Castro was into Water Sports. Who knew!

Can't really say the above is an actual account of what "really" happened or the narrative the CIA wanted people to focus on. Organizations get really good hiding the embarrassing stuff if they have any brains working that day. But, it is interesting history, and it did play a part in the on-goings of the time.

The agreement for the USSR to pull the missiles out of Cuba also covered the US pulling out its missiles in Turkey and Italy. The propaganda film of over flights of Soviet cargo ships with open crates of missile parts that we've seen has a counter part of the Soviets flying over American cargo ships also with open crates of missile parts that we haven't seen, but Soviet citizens had.

The last part of the agreement was that the US promised not to invade Cuba or assassinate Castro for the full term of the agreement.
Link Posted: 12/16/2021 2:31:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Here's the Zapruder film.


There's no agent on the back of the President's car until after he's shot. Stop the film at 0:17; to go forward frame-by-frame, press the period; to go backward, press comma.

No AR15 to be seen, either.
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^ - this.

I've long believed most of the more ridiculous theories have gotten published/promoted by CIA media assets to discredit "conspiracy theorists".

Link Posted: 12/16/2021 2:55:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By zoinks:
The USMC takes their marksmanship seriously. If you're good, they want you better, so they train unlike the Air Force which is where I served. If you were good, they expected you to maintain or get better all on your own. Totally different outlook.

So, he was quite capable of hitting man-sized targets out to 500 yards with enough consistency to be a Marksman in accordance with Marine standards.

When I used to be a competitive shooter, when new guys showed up to join the club, you could tell who had been in the Marines the first time out. It's that much of a difference.
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I understand that, but why didn’t he buy or use a gun he trained on instead of the piece of crap he used? The FBI couldn’t even get the scope aligned.
Link Posted: 12/16/2021 3:05:01 PM EDT
If the Dealey Plaza nearby train tracks are in a "train yard" then I seriously doubt they'd be using torpedoes.  Granted, torpedoes were before my time in the RR, but from what I seem to infer, they would be more for uses on a main line and not in a railroad yard for switching.

Link Posted: 12/16/2021 5:45:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Boomer] [#50]
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Originally Posted By JustinOK34:
If the Dealey Plaza nearby train tracks are in a "train yard" then I seriously doubt they'd be using torpedoes.  Granted, torpedoes were before my time in the RR, but from what I seem to infer, they would be more for uses on a main line and not in a railroad yard for switching.

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While torpedos were intended to be used as flagging/warning devices generally in road operations, it wasn’t uncommon for them to be used, ummm, “recreationally” in yards. You know how some guys play around with fusees?

That said, this conspiracy theory relies on a few too many coincidences.
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