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Firearms news of note (Page 8 of 9)
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Link Posted: 2/15/2011 11:44:16 PM EDT

Hillary's Global Gun Grab

Dear fellow American,

If we’re going to defeat the UN’s Small Arms Treaty we have to turn the heat up on the U.S. Senate now before it’s too late!

Please sign your Firearms Sovereignty Survey and put yourself squarely on the record AGAINST ratification of the UN’s Small Arms Treaty.

For Freedom,

Rand Paul

U.S. Senator (R-KY)


Link Posted: 2/18/2011 11:02:54 AM EDT

New York Bill Would Require Gun Registration


A bill in New York would require all gun owners to register their firearms and pay yearly gun ownership fees.

Senate Bill 2994, introduced by Senator Eric Adams (D- Brooklyn), requires gun owners to register each firearm currently owned with their local county clerk’s office or local precinct station. The bill also requires that any firearms acquired in the future also be registered with the state, including such information as to where and how the gun was acquired.


Link Posted: 2/19/2011 12:29:25 PM EDT

BATFE would like to hear our opinions

By Dan Carlson

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will be taking public comments about a plan to restrict the importation of certain kinds of shotguns until May 1. I just finished reading a study released by BATFE last month entitled, "ATF - Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns.” It's a 34-page study that outlines the reasoning behind the agency's conclusion that shotguns equipped with certain features serve "no legitimate sporting purpose” and should therefore be banned from importation into the United States.

I encourage readers to look at the study. Unfortunately, the Internet URL is rather complex to print in a newspaper, so I'll tell you how to get to it on your computer. Enter "Department of Justice” into the search engine of your choice, and find United States Department of Justice. When you get to the DOJ home page, enter "shotgun study” in the search bar on the upper right of the page. In the results that come up, click on the PDF link called "Study on Importability.” If you have Adobe Reader, the link should open the report for you to read.


Link Posted: 2/19/2011 12:31:59 PM EDT

Lapua Offers FREE Ballistics App for Java-Compatible Phones

Lapua now offers a FREE ballistics program for modern smart phones that run Java Apps. (Unfortunately, that excludes Apple iPhones and Android OS phones, but Lapua says that the majority of smartphones run Java). The program calculates drift and drop, and it corrects for altitude, temp, air pressure, and shot angle. The Lapua Ballistics App also includes a database of Lapua bullet profiles with ultra-reliable radar-derived Ballistic Coefficients. Sound good? Now go get your smart phone. The program must be downloaded with a mobile phone. Open a web browser in your smart-phone and navigate to www.lapua.com/ballistics and choose the correct version for your phone

Link Posted: 2/19/2011 12:35:18 PM EDT

Black Hills Offers Lead-Free Hunting Ammo and New 5.56 Ammo

New Black Hills 5.56 Ammo

For 2011, Black Hills is releasing two new 5.56mm offerings for commercial sale. First, it offers a new match load with 77gr Sierra MatchKings (SMKs). The new 5.56mm ammo pushes the 77gr SMKs at 2750 fps from a 20″ barrel. According to Black Hills: "this load delivers sub-minute accuracy consistently from 10-shot groups.”

Next, Black Hills is making its 50gr police 5.56mm load available to the public. The BHA 5.56mm 50gr TSX load was developed for U.S. law enforcement. This load utilizes a specially-built version of Barnes Bullet Company’s TSX bullet. It provides expansion to .50 caliber immediately upon impact and consistently penetrates to an ideal average penetration depth of 14″ in ballistic gelatin. Black Hills calls this "an ideal civilian defense or law enforcement patrol-rifle round” that works well through a variety of barrel lengths.


Link Posted: 2/19/2011 12:39:01 PM EDT

Data Shoots Holes In Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Billboard Campaign, Says CCCRKBA

1000′s are saved by guns each day, Bloomberg and his cronies at Mayors Against Illegal Guns evidently don’t think their lives are valuable enough to notice

-(Ammoland.com)- While anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is sending a moving billboard truck around the country claiming that 34 Americans are "murdered with guns every day,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the mayor is selectively ignoring the hundreds of lives saved every day because firearms are there when needed.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, citing research that places the number of lives saved annually with firearms at between 800,000 and 2.5 million – frequently without even a shot being fired – said that translates to "lives saved that Bloomberg chooses to ignore.”

"If you take the estimates and divide them by 365,” Gottlieb observed, "you realize that between 2,100 and 6,800 people successfully defend themselves every day of the year with firearms in the United States. The majority of those incidents result in nobody being injured or killed. In some cases where shots are fired by armed citizens, several lives are saved. Bloomberg and his cronies at Mayors Against Illegal Guns evidently don’t think their lives are valuable enough to notice.”


Link Posted: 2/21/2011 7:46:19 PM EDT

U.S. State Department cables released by WikiLeaks confirm that Mexican drug cartel weaponry is coming from an elaborate international operation whereby the cartels are acquiring military-grade arms through various government channels. This release comes on the heels of a report issued recently, and discussed on the NSSF Blog last week, from the STRATFOR research group challenging the myth that 90 percent of recovered firearms in Mexico come from the United States. The STRATFOR report concludes that in 2008 the number was less than 12 percent. Read more.

Link Posted: 2/21/2011 7:53:06 PM EDT

According to data released in late January in ATF's Annual Firearm Manufacturing and Export Report, U.S. firearm manufacturers produced more than 5.4 million firearms in 2009. NSSF research has updated its 14-page Industry Intelligence Report, titled Firearms Production in the United States, with the most recent data on U.S. production of pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. Additional updated data found in this report include: Annual Survey of Manufacturers figures and U.S. International Trade Commission firearm import and export figures.

Link Posted: 2/21/2011 8:01:14 PM EDT

Tips for Reclaiming .223 Rem Range Brass

Bryce Towsley has authored an informative article on Reclaiming .223 Rem Brass. Writing for Shooting Illustrated Online, Towsley confesses: "I’m a brass horder…. I end every shooting match on my hands and knees. If the rest of the competitors want to litter the range with their discarded cases, I see it as my civic duty to clean up the mess.” If you burn through a lot of .223 Rem ammo on the varmint fields or in multi-gun matches, we suggest you read Towsley’s article.

Towsley advises that you need to be cautious with range pick-up brass: "Range brass is full of dirt, dust, sand and debris that can be damaging to loading dies, as well as causing other problems.” So, range pick-up brass must be cleaned and then sorted carefully. Towsley explains that you should toss brass that is badly dented, and you have to make sure to remove the primer pocket crimp in military brass. This can be done with a crimp reamer or a swaging tool such as the Dillon Super Swage 600. The latter works well, but Towsley cautions: "For the swager to work properly, you must sort the cases by brand and lot, and then readjust the swager for each new lot.”


Link Posted: 2/23/2011 11:43:28 PM EDT

Bloomberg To Push For New Oppressive National Gun Laws

BELLEVUE, WA – -(Ammoland.com)- Bloomberg has teamed up with the liberal gun hating group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, to launch the anti-gun rights truck tour.

The truck will features a mobile clock that will count the number of American lives lost due to gun violence since the Arizona shooting, but ignores how many more times guns save lives. Some people say Bloomberg is doing this because he wants to run for President in 2012 because Obama isn’t anti-gun enough!

In the next 2 months the anti-gun truck will make its way across the U.S., stopping in most major cities. The anti-gun rights truck is part of a comprehensive and well-orchestrated campaign to snatch away your Second-Amendment Rights.

Bloomberg and his anti-gun buddies have created a campaign that ultimately urges Congress to:

Link Posted: 2/23/2011 11:45:47 PM EDT

CBS News Uncovers Gunrunning Scandal Within The ATF

Agency Secretly Endorsed Practice of Letting Guns "Walk”; ATF Agent to CBS News: "God Only Knows How Many Guns Were Used to Kill People”

Washington, DC -
-(Ammoland.com)- Tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC (6:30 PM, ET), CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on a major scandal building within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), one of America’s top law enforcement agencies.

CBS News uncovered evidence which supports the allegation that the agency that is supposed to stop border gunrunning to Mexico’s drug cartels actually participated in letting it happen.

Attkisson reports that these guns have turned up at the scenes of violent crimes, including the murder of a U.S. border patrol officer in Arizona.

CBS News reveals that "Project Gunrunner,” an ATF operation that aims to stop the flow of weapons from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels, has allegedly facilitated the delivery of thousands of guns into the hands of criminals. Often bought with cash, and sometimes brought in paper bags, sources tell CBS News that several gun shops wanted to stop the questionable sales, but were encouraged to continue selling by the ATF, so that they could continue gathering intelligence and see where the weapons ended up. This dangerous tactic is referred to as letting the guns "walk.”


Link Posted: 3/5/2011 9:48:35 AM EDT


WINCHESTER® RANGER® LAW ENFORCEMENT 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point®

Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling six (6) lots of its RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® (PP) centerfire rifle ammunition (Symbol Number RA223R2).

Lot Numbers (last four characters): DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51

Through extensive evaluation Winchester has determined the above lots of RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition may contain incorrect propellant. Incorrect propellant in this ammunition may cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable, and subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury when fired.


Link Posted: 3/9/2011 6:11:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: DrainBammage] [#13]

Originally Posted By aztec223:

CBS News Uncovers Gunrunning Scandal Within The ATF

Agency Secretly Endorsed Practice of Letting Guns "Walk”; ATF Agent to CBS News: "God Only Knows How Many Guns Were Used to Kill People”

Washington, DC -
-(Ammoland.com)- Tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC (6:30 PM, ET), CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on a major scandal building within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), one of America’s top law enforcement agencies.

CBS News uncovered evidence which supports the allegation that the agency that is supposed to stop border gunrunning to Mexico’s drug cartels actually participated in letting it happen.

Attkisson reports that these guns have turned up at the scenes of violent crimes, including the murder of a U.S. border patrol officer in Arizona.

CBS News reveals that "Project Gunrunner,” an ATF operation that aims to stop the flow of weapons from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels, has allegedly facilitated the delivery of thousands of guns into the hands of criminals. Often bought with cash, and sometimes brought in paper bags, sources tell CBS News that several gun shops wanted to stop the questionable sales, but were encouraged to continue selling by the ATF, so that they could continue gathering intelligence and see where the weapons ended up. This dangerous tactic is referred to as letting the guns "walk.”


hope you don't mind my sliding this in here...


David Codrea has some real good stuff on this...


And Sipsey Street Irregulars. Matthew Vanderboegh is pretty dedicated to this as well.


This BATFE thing is getting pretty hot. I can't wait to see what happens.

Link Posted: 3/9/2011 6:35:02 PM EDT

hope you don't mind my sliding this in here...

Not at all, the whole gun runner/walker thing is ridiculous, I have about 40 emails stored on this thing. Thanks for the backup!

Link Posted: 3/9/2011 8:23:37 PM EDT
No problem bro.
Link Posted: 3/11/2011 10:55:42 PM EDT

Will Congress Lay the Groundwork for Gun Confiscation?

Washington, DC ––(Ammoland.com)- Within the next 90 days, Congress will vote on whether to reauthorize legislation to specifically allow the government potential access to millions of gun records (4473’s).

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, which must be reauthorized soon, is of particular concern.

This section allows the FBI to seize business records — including the 4473 forms that gun buyers fill out. The only significant caveat is that the FBI must claim that the seizure of records is needed pursuant to "an authorized investigation.”

But since a secret court is required to rubber-stamp the government’s request (unless it fails to make even a specious case), the FBI can easily abuse its authority. The Inspector General found that, between 2003 and 2006, the FBI may have violated the law over 6,000 times with respect to their authority under various provisions of the PATRIOT Act.

So just imagine that it’s your gun records that have been seized. Under such circumstances, the gun dealer is specifically prohibited, under penalty of law, from telling you that the FBI has confiscated the records of your firearms purchases. Under the PATRIOT Act, any limitations on the use of the seized records shall be at the sole discretion of the Department of Justice.


Link Posted: 3/31/2011 8:05:56 PM EDT

U.S. Customs Discovers Counterfeit Scopes Coming from China

When you purchase expensive optics, you need to be careful about who you deal with, and what you buy. There are an increasing number of forgeries coming in from various parts of Asia. Just recently, three executives of Field Sport Inc. were charged with ’selling a counterfeit mark’, in connection with Field Sport’s importation of fake EoTech riflescopes. Earlier this month, 900 counterfeit EoTech sights/magnifiers were discovered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers inspecting a shipment from China. The Field Sports execs were charged with multiple felonies.

Link Posted: 3/31/2011 8:12:47 PM EDT

Lapua Loaded Ammo Sale at Eabco.com — Plus Garage Sale

EABCO.com has a selection of Lapua factory-loaded ammo on sale at super-low prices — about 40% off current retail. These are older supplies of ammo that have been sitting in inventory for a while, so Eabco has cut the price dramatically to move it. Keep in mind that the price of Lapua brass has risen dramatically in the last couple of years, so this loaded ammo has become more attractive. Eabco has the Lapua 6mmBR 77gr HP loaded ammo on sale at $24 for 20 rounds, or $1.20 per finished round. Consider that you may now pay $0.80 per piece of Lapua 6mmBR brass. So, another way to look at it is that this ammo is worth about $16.00 per box… just for the brass.

Special Lapua Ammo Inventory Clearance Sale — Limited Quantities

Eabco tells us: "These are odd lots of loaded ammo in 20-round boxes. Some may not be the most popular bullet weight or style, so the price is much lower than our regular line of Lapua ammo. But this is all first-rate ammunition, made from total Lapua and VihtaVuori components. Quantities are limited. When these lots sell out, we won’t have more.”


Link Posted: 3/31/2011 8:16:43 PM EDT

New Hornady HPBT Match Bullets — Most Have Arrived

Hornady is rolling out a series of new Boat-Tail Hollowpoint (BTHP) match bullets. These are all-new non-tipped bullets, not merely modified A-Max designs. There will be a 105gr 6mm, a 140gr 6.5mm, a 162gr 7mm, three new .30 Cal bullets (178, 208, 225 grains), a 285gr .338-cal bullet, and a monster 450gr .416-caliber projectile. These BTHP bullets feature Hornady’s new AMP (Advanced Manufacturing Process) jackets, which Hornady claims are "the most consistently concentric bullet jackets available”.


Link Posted: 4/3/2011 5:11:30 PM EDT

U.S. Border Patrol Replaces Guns with NLAIM Paint Markers

The U.S. Border Patrol Agency has been ordered to "give up its guns”, starting this summer. In a surprise directive issued this morning, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), parent agency of the Border Patrol, announced that up to one-half of U.S. Border Patrol Agents will be required to turn in their firearms, starting August 1, 2011. The current issue sidearm of the Border Patrol is the HK P2000 LEM in .40 SW, but Agents many also carry rifles and shotguns. Duty Weapons will be replaced by non-lethal dye markers, similar to paintball guns

Agents to Be Disarmed in Border Areas

Speaking at a Washington, DC press conference, Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano stated that stripping the Border Patrol of lethal weapons reflects the "long-stated objective of this Adminstration to value human life over all other lesser considerations.” Napolitano stressed that the Border Patrol would not be required to give up all its firearms. The Patrol would still maintain pistols, rifles, and shotguns in "secure lock-ups” removed from the "immediate border area”.

The goal of the policy shift, Napolitano stated, is to eliminate the risk of accidental or unintentional injury to "wayward travelers and undocumented citizens”. Napolitano denied that confiscation of Border Patrol Agents’ firearms was a response to "trigger-happy men in green”. Napolitano stated: "I have the greatest faith in our men and women in the Border force”, adding that "we are now giving those Agents viable non-lethal technologies with which they can carry out their duties”.


Link Posted: 4/3/2011 5:12:41 PM EDT
Originally Posted By aztec223:

U.S. Border Patrol Replaces Guns with NLAIM Paint Markers

The U.S. Border Patrol Agency has been ordered to "give up its guns”, starting this summer. In a surprise directive issued this morning, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), parent agency of the Border Patrol, announced that up to one-half of U.S. Border Patrol Agents will be required to turn in their firearms, starting August 1, 2011. The current issue sidearm of the Border Patrol is the HK P2000 LEM in .40 SW, but Agents many also carry rifles and shotguns. Duty Weapons will be replaced by non-lethal dye markers, similar to paintball guns

Agents to Be Disarmed in Border Areas

Speaking at a Washington, DC press conference, Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano stated that stripping the Border Patrol of lethal weapons reflects the "long-stated objective of this Adminstration to value human life over all other lesser considerations.” Napolitano stressed that the Border Patrol would not be required to give up all its firearms. The Patrol would still maintain pistols, rifles, and shotguns in "secure lock-ups” removed from the "immediate border area”.
The goal of the policy shift, Napolitano stated, is to eliminate the risk of accidental or unintentional injury to "wayward travelers and undocumented citizens”. Napolitano denied that confiscation of Border Patrol Agents’ firearms was a response to "trigger-happy men in green”. Napolitano stated: "I have the greatest faith in our men and women in the Border force”, adding that "we are now giving those Agents viable non-lethal technologies with which they can carry out their duties”.


Link Posted: 4/3/2011 6:55:16 PM EDT
fucking retarded
Link Posted: 4/3/2011 10:08:10 PM EDT
The patients truly are running the asylum. About half the time I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.    

"wayward travelers and undocumented citizens”.

Who writes this crap?

adjective 1. turned or turning away from what is right or proper; willful; disobedient:

Whomever wrote this, knows the illegals are doing something wrong yet they want it to continue.  Undocumented citizens?  Blink.  Blink. Blink.  What?

When do I schedule my lobotomy?

Link Posted: 4/3/2011 11:28:59 PM EDT
Hold off on the drill Hill. We see an out of touch Leader backed by a lack of Moral and no birth certificate himself. If we have learned anything all we have to do is protect them to resign there office and seek asylum with the Mexicans in Mexico.

Originally Posted By Hilljack:

The patients truly are running the asylum. About half the time I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.    

"wayward travelers and undocumented citizens”.

Who writes this crap?


adjective 1. turned or turning away from what is right or proper; willful; disobedient:

Whomever wrote this, knows the illegals are doing something wrong yet they want it to continue.  Undocumented citizens?  Blink.  Blink. Blink.  What?

When do I schedule my lobotomy?

Link Posted: 4/4/2011 12:37:09 AM EDT
What was that campaign slogan..... Oh yeah.... Drill, Baby Drill!!!
Link Posted: 4/4/2011 10:40:15 PM EDT

Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoot April 29th-30th-May 1st, 2011

Chance, Colorado ––(Ammoland.com)- Shoot a Subgun for free April 29th-30th-May 1st, 2011!

At the Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoots 13th Annual Machine Gun Shoot & Military Vehicle Display

Last Chance, Colorado (Only 1 hour and 15 minutes from Denver, I-70 and Pena Blvd.)

New RMGO members who join at the event get a free mag through a PPSH submachine gun.

Existing members of RMGO get a discount to shoot the PPSH.

Weapon and ammo courtesy of Denver Bullets Inc. Come see a variety of Military Vehicles and Re-enactors in uniform


Link Posted: 4/5/2011 7:00:55 PM EDT

Senate to Consider Bill Allowing Obama-Packing Scheme

Shortly, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation to take a number of key gun-related offices in the Department of Justice and remove them from the requirement of Senate confirmation. The legislation is sponsored by anti-gun zealot Charles Schumer (D-NY) and weak-kneed Republican Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

S. 679 would give Barack Obama the ability to fill major gun-related Department of Justice slots with anti-gun partisans, without the pesky inconvenience of having to comply with the Constitution's requirements for Senate confirmation.

Consider the following:

Barack Obama has not hesitated to load up his administration with anti-gun crazies like Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein (who thinks hunters should be sued in court because of the pain and suffering they inflict upon animals) and Andrew Traver (the nominee to head the ATF who never met a gun control proposal he didn't like).


Link Posted: 4/6/2011 10:49:30 AM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#28]

Governor unsure about quota bill - contact her now!

Gov. Susana Martinez still has not signed Senate Bill 196, which would give New Mexico resident hunters some 3,400 additional Big Game Draw licenses. She only has until Friday to sign it or the bill is dead, leaving New Mexico with the lowest resident big game license quota of virtually any western state. Sportsmen need to contact the Governor's Office today and tell her you support SB 196.

Apparently the Governor's Office has concerns that SB 196 could increase the cost of hunting. Here are some facts about the benefits for New Mexico resident hunters if Gov. Martinez would sign the bill:

State residents would receive 84 percent of all Big Game Draw licenses, up from 78 percent now –– an improvement but still a far lower percentage than the 90 percent that most western states give their residents.

State hunters would get all cow elk licenses.

State hunters would get all elk licenses in state wildlife management areas.

A general hunting license would drop in price to $15 (down from $20).

A deer license would drop in price to $31 (from $36).

A junior or senior deer license will drop in price to $19 (from $24).

A combination general hunting and fishing license will drop in price to $20 (from $28).

No license fees would increase.

Does not require the Department of Game and Fish to cut its budget in order to provide New Mexico residents with thousands of additional elk, antelope and other Big Game Draw licenses.

How are those benefits possible? By requiring everyone who applies for the Big Game Draw or buys an over-the-counter big game license to purchase a one-time general hunting license.

Link Posted: 4/6/2011 7:34:44 PM EDT

Big CCI Blazer Ammo Sale At Natchez

If you need to stock up on practice handgun ammo, Natchez Shooters Supply is running a 5-day sale on CCI Blazer Ammo. The sale starts today (4/6/2011) and ends Sunday, April 10th at 11:59 pm Eastern. Sale includes: .32 ACP, .38 Spl, .357 Magnum, .380 ACP, 9mm, 40 SW, 10mm, .44 Magnum, .45 ACP and more. IMPORTANT: CCI Blazer ammo is made with aluminum cases, so the ammo is NOT reloadable

Here are some of the best deals:

CCI Blazer 32 ACP 71 gr TMJ Ammunition 50rd box. Price $19.36, reduced from $22.77

CCI Blazer 9mm Luger 115gr FMJ Ammunition 50rd box. Price $8.99, reduced from $11.09.

CCI Blazer 40 S&W 165gr TMJ Ammunition 50rd box. Price $12.99 reduced from $17.55.

(Editor’s Comment: Excellent 40 SW ammo. Very Accurate, Reduced Recoil.)

CCI Blazer 10mm Auto 200gr TMJ Ammunition 50 rd box. Price $22.75 reduced from $28.82.


Link Posted: 4/7/2011 5:04:50 PM EDT

24 hours left and still no action on increasing resident quota

Gov. Susana Martinez has until NOON FRIDAY to sign Senate BIll 196, but she still has not acted on this crucial piece of legislation for New Mexico hunters.

If you are one of the thousands of New Mexico residents who has signed petitions, written letters and made phone calls in support of SB 196 - thank you for getting involved. But sportsmen have less than 24 hours to convince Martinez to do the right thing and sign SB 196.

Even if you have called already, please call again, and get your friends and family to call also.

It isn't clear why the governor isn't supporting this bill. As a candidate last summer she said residents needed more hunting opportunity. "The nonresident quotas for hunting permits are too high," she said in a questionnaire. "This has resulted in growing costs and less availability for in-state gamesmen. I would advocate for a decrease in nonresident quotas." Her office never voiced objections or asked for any changes or clarification as the bill moved through the Legislature. The Senate passed the measure 38-3. The House passed it 45-21. Sportsmen are stumped why she hasn't signed the bill already.

Call the Governor's Office one last time and tell Martinez: Don't forget your hunters! Her office number is (505) 476-2200. Tell every hunter you know to flood her office with calls, too.
Link Posted: 4/8/2011 8:16:50 PM EDT

Governor hears sportsmen, signs SB 196


Sportsmen’s strong support of Senate Bill 196 paid off today when Gov. Susana Martinez signed the bill we have been waiting for. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of hunters flooded her office with calls and e-mails in recent days encouraging her to do the right thing. She did, and now she deserves our thanks.

"This is a great day for our resident hunters,” said Ray Trejo, vice president of New Mexico Wildlife Federation. "This bill is a good first step toward bringing New Mexico’s big game quota law in line with other western states. Gov. Martinez had said last year that she wanted to increase resident hunting opportunity. Today she made good on her word.”

In a press release, the governor said something similar. "It’s only common sense to increase the opportunities for New Mexicans to hunt on their own state land,” she said. "This provision also brings New Mexico’s split between the issuance of resident and non-resident licenses into closer alignment with other states.”

Sen. George Munoz of Gallup, who sponsored the bill, said sportsmen played a role in its success. "With all their support, and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, United Bowhunters of New Mexico, the governor’s staff and so many others, this piece of legislation will finally change something for the better for New Mexico hunters.”

SB 196 will give resident hunters 84 percent of every hunt code, up from the current 78 percent. In addition, residents will get all elk licenses in the state wildlife management areas, plus all cow elk licenses statewide.

Unguided nonresidents get 6 percent of licenses. The remaining 10 percent of licenses are set aside for hunters from any state who must, by law, hire a New Mexico outfitter.

SB 196 also reduces general hunting and deer license fees by $5, and requires every hunter who applies for a Big Game Draw or over-the-counter big game license to purchase a general hunting license – a provision common in most western states.

Sportsmen should write a note of thanks to Gov. Martinez for signing SB 196.
Link Posted: 4/8/2011 8:54:18 PM EDT

Deadline Nears On BATFE Shotgun Ban Comments

As we reported on Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not "generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes.”

The features in question are a folding, telescoping, or collapsible stock; a magazine of over five rounds or a drum magazine; a flash suppressor or a muzzle brake that also suppresses flash; an integrated rail system other than on top of the receiver or barrel; a light enhancing device; a forward pistol grip or similar protruding part; an "excessive” weight of over 10 pounds; an "excessive bulk” of over three inches width and/or over four inches depth; a bayonet lug; or "a grenade-launcher mount.”

The working group considers "sporting purposes” to be limited to hunting, skeet, trap and sporting clays, but not to include practical shotgun matches or recreational target shooting. To have considered practical matches, the working group said, could have led to conclusions that would undercut the BATFE’s 1989 and 1998 bans on the importation of semi-automatic rifles, and its 1993 ban on the importation of various semi-automatic pistols. The working group also indicated a reluctance to accept practical matches because they test defensive firearm skills, which the working group believes are of military and police orientation.

Comments to the BATFE may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], or by fax to (202) 648-9601, and must be received by May 1, 2011. Faxed comments may not exceed 5 pages. All comments must include name and mailing address


Link Posted: 4/10/2011 2:36:28 AM EDT
Of course, because military and police are the only ones that need, or should be allowed, to practice defensive shooting.
Link Posted: 4/11/2011 12:01:31 AM EDT
Originally Posted By aztec223:
Governor hears sportsmen, signs SB 196

Sportsmen’s strong support of Senate Bill 196 paid off today when Gov. Susana Martinez signed the bill we have been waiting for. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of hunters flooded her office with calls and e-mails in recent days encouraging her to do the right thing. She did, and now she deserves our thanks.
"This is a great day for our resident hunters,” said Ray Trejo, vice president of New Mexico Wildlife Federation. "This bill is a good first step toward bringing New Mexico’s big game quota law in line with other western states. Gov. Martinez had said last year that she wanted to increase resident hunting opportunity. Today she made good on her word.”
In a press release, the governor said something similar. "It’s only common sense to increase the opportunities for New Mexicans to hunt on their own state land,” she said. "This provision also brings New Mexico’s split between the issuance of resident and non-resident licenses into closer alignment with other states.”
Sen. George Munoz of Gallup, who sponsored the bill, said sportsmen played a role in its success. "With all their support, and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, United Bowhunters of New Mexico, the governor’s staff and so many others, this piece of legislation will finally change something for the better for New Mexico hunters.”
SB 196 will give resident hunters 84 percent of every hunt code, up from the current 78 percent. In addition, residents will get all elk licenses in the state wildlife management areas, plus all cow elk licenses statewide.
Unguided nonresidents get 6 percent of licenses. The remaining 10 percent of licenses are set aside for hunters from any state who must, by law, hire a New Mexico outfitter.
SB 196 also reduces general hunting and deer license fees by $5, and requires every hunter who applies for a Big Game Draw or over-the-counter big game license to purchase a general hunting license – a provision common in most western states.
Sportsmen should write a note of thanks to Gov. Martinez for signing SB 196.

She 'reluctantly' signed this bill.  The state will actually lose money selling licenses to us 'citizens'.  Not a good thing as far as the $$$ mongerers are concerned.
Link Posted: 4/11/2011 1:17:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2011 2:01:51 AM EDT
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By aztec223:
Governor hears sportsmen, signs SB 196

Sportsmen’s strong support of Senate Bill 196 paid off today when Gov. Susana Martinez signed the bill we have been waiting for. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of hunters flooded her office with calls and e-mails in recent days encouraging her to do the right thing. She did, and now she deserves our thanks.
"This is a great day for our resident hunters,” said Ray Trejo, vice president of New Mexico Wildlife Federation. "This bill is a good first step toward bringing New Mexico’s big game quota law in line with other western states. Gov. Martinez had said last year that she wanted to increase resident hunting opportunity. Today she made good on her word.”
In a press release, the governor said something similar. "It’s only common sense to increase the opportunities for New Mexicans to hunt on their own state land,” she said. "This provision also brings New Mexico’s split between the issuance of resident and non-resident licenses into closer alignment with other states.”
Sen. George Munoz of Gallup, who sponsored the bill, said sportsmen played a role in its success. "With all their support, and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, United Bowhunters of New Mexico, the governor’s staff and so many others, this piece of legislation will finally change something for the better for New Mexico hunters.”
SB 196 will give resident hunters 84 percent of every hunt code, up from the current 78 percent. In addition, residents will get all elk licenses in the state wildlife management areas, plus all cow elk licenses statewide.
Unguided nonresidents get 6 percent of licenses. The remaining 10 percent of licenses are set aside for hunters from any state who must, by law, hire a New Mexico outfitter.
SB 196 also reduces general hunting and deer license fees by $5, and requires every hunter who applies for a Big Game Draw or over-the-counter big game license to purchase a general hunting license – a provision common in most western states.
Sportsmen should write a note of thanks to Gov. Martinez for signing SB 196.

Maybe now I can draw that elusive unit 2 deer tag.

Mind your place in line, young man.

Link Posted: 4/11/2011 9:36:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/12/2011 1:14:50 AM EDT
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By aztec223:
Governor hears sportsmen, signs SB 196

Sportsmen’s strong support of Senate Bill 196 paid off today when Gov. Susana Martinez signed the bill we have been waiting for. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of hunters flooded her office with calls and e-mails in recent days encouraging her to do the right thing. She did, and now she deserves our thanks.
"This is a great day for our resident hunters,” said Ray Trejo, vice president of New Mexico Wildlife Federation. "This bill is a good first step toward bringing New Mexico’s big game quota law in line with other western states. Gov. Martinez had said last year that she wanted to increase resident hunting opportunity. Today she made good on her word.”
In a press release, the governor said something similar. "It’s only common sense to increase the opportunities for New Mexicans to hunt on their own state land,” she said. "This provision also brings New Mexico’s split between the issuance of resident and non-resident licenses into closer alignment with other states.”
Sen. George Munoz of Gallup, who sponsored the bill, said sportsmen played a role in its success. "With all their support, and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, United Bowhunters of New Mexico, the governor’s staff and so many others, this piece of legislation will finally change something for the better for New Mexico hunters.”
SB 196 will give resident hunters 84 percent of every hunt code, up from the current 78 percent. In addition, residents will get all elk licenses in the state wildlife management areas, plus all cow elk licenses statewide.
Unguided nonresidents get 6 percent of licenses. The remaining 10 percent of licenses are set aside for hunters from any state who must, by law, hire a New Mexico outfitter.
SB 196 also reduces general hunting and deer license fees by $5, and requires every hunter who applies for a Big Game Draw or over-the-counter big game license to purchase a general hunting license – a provision common in most western states.
Sportsmen should write a note of thanks to Gov. Martinez for signing SB 196.

Maybe now I can draw that elusive unit 2 deer tag.

Mind your place in line, young man.

Yes sir.

Since you are being a good boy, you can go ahead and put in for Unit 53
Link Posted: 4/12/2011 3:06:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/12/2011 3:16:28 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:

Since you are being a good boy, you can go ahead and put in for Unit 53[/div]

Only if I can hunt hippies.

What do hippies taste like?
Link Posted: 4/12/2011 3:56:16 PM EDT
[Last Edit: NMwaterfowler] [#41]
no personal attacks

Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:

Since you are being a good boy, you can go ahead and put in for Unit 53[/div]

Only if I can hunt hippies.

What do hippies taste like?

Link Posted: 4/15/2011 9:30:17 PM EDT

Discount Bullets — Hornady 55gr FMJBT for $7.92 per 100

Here’s an amazing deal if you need a large supply of .224-cal, general purpose bullets. Wideners.com is currently offering a 6000-count bulk pack of 55gr Hornady FMJBT bullets. The price is just $475.00 including FREE shipping. That works out to just $7.92/hundred or less than 8 cents per bullet!. These bullets sell elsewhere for $13-$15 per box of 100.

The cannelured, secant-ogive, 55gr FMJBT bullet was designed to duplicate the performance of military M193 ammo. The deep-penetrating FMJ design is also good for hunters wanting to preserve the integrity of game pelts.

The 55gr bullets ship in a 6000-count bulk pack with free shipping. Who needs 6000 bullets? Well a club or training group could assemble low-cost training ammo with these bullets. Or, two or three varmint-shooting buddies might want to join in on a "group buy”.


Link Posted: 4/16/2011 2:18:42 AM EDT
[Last Edit: NMwaterfowler] [#43]
Originally Posted By Friiguy:
no personal attacks

Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:
Originally Posted By NMwaterfowler:
Originally Posted By yipykyah_mf:

Since you are being a good boy, you can go ahead and put in for Unit 53[/div]

Only if I can hunt hippies.

What do hippies taste like?

Not in this thread
Link Posted: 4/19/2011 5:39:47 PM EDT
Bayard man blasted with two-year sentence for sawed-off shotgun

Berumen was stopped by a Bayard Police Officer for a traffic violation in Grant County on April 22, 2010 and told the officer there was a shotgun in the trunk of the car. Inside the trunk, the officer found a Winchester 12-gauge shotgun with a barrel length of 13.75 inches.

Link Posted: 4/19/2011 9:44:11 PM EDT

Originally Posted By castiel:

Bayard man blasted with two-year sentence for sawed-off shotgun

Berumen was stopped by a Bayard Police Officer for a traffic violation in Grant County on April 22, 2010 and told the officer there was a shotgun in the trunk of the car. Inside the trunk, the officer found a Winchester 12-gauge shotgun with a barrel length of 13.75 inches.

In about six months he will wish he had his hacksaw!

Link Posted: 4/21/2011 7:48:43 PM EDT

ORNL Builds Reticle-Compensating Sight with Laser Barrel Sensor

Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have developed a system that uses lasers and fiber optics to measure very small changes (deflections) in a rifle barrel. These deflections are recorded with laser sensors, and then algorithms are used to compute the resultant changes in bullet trajectory. Using computer-calculated trajectories, the digital sighting system’s "virtual” reticle automatically adjusts to compensate for barrel deflection, as well as changing environmental conditions. The microprocessor-controlled digital reticle can adjust to 1/1000th of a Minute of Angle (MOA). That makes it far more precise than any conventional riflescope reticle.


Link Posted: 5/9/2011 10:13:46 PM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#47]

United Nations Want’s A Global Firearms Registration Computer

Scottsdale, AZ –
-(Ammoland.com)- A legally binding, global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is being prepared in the back rooms of the UN.

One goal of the Treaty’s proponents is to create national weapon databases, leading to regional databases, and then to an eventual global database.

Countries will be charged with the duty to keep track, not only of all transfers, but also of the locations of all arms and ammunition, from manufacture to destruction. A UN discussion paper states "the advent of modern information technology… promises to be a boon to the establishment of an effective tracing system in many States.” But it will take a "global harmonized system of electronic registers” before the firearm-prohibitionists are satisfied.

The expectation for these databases is to provide the ability to trace weapons that have been used either by criminals or tyrants to commit crimes, in order to ensure that these people are caught and brought to justice.

Preventatively, tyrants with a history of human rights abuses will be denied access to weapons. Or so we are told.

The Treaty will cover seven categories of conventional weapons, which include aircraft and large artillery systems, plus small arms and light weapons (SALW), plus ammunition, or "7+1 +1.” Here, we concentrate only on small arms and light weapons. We will need hardware and software that has the capability to deal with the estimated world stockpile of 875 million firearms.


Every dictator and tyrant that has ever dreamt of invading us knew better, because as The Japanese emperor well knew "there would be a gun behind every blade of grass." This plan would effectively remove that threat, and make us vulnerable to every asshole with a swagger stick and a desire to see us bleed. If we refuse to surrender our guns to our own government, what makes anyone think we will relinquish them to anyone else? Personally I say "MOLON LABE" UN!
Link Posted: 6/6/2011 7:19:51 PM EDT


{1} The issue presented in this appeal is whether a police officer can temporarily remove a visible firearm from a vehicle to prevent immediate access to it by an occupant during the short duration of a lawful traffic stop, consistent with the strictures of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 10 of the New Mexico Constitution.

Pursuant to our interstitial approach to constitutional analysis, we first address the federal constitutional issue. With respect to the Fourth Amendment, we conclude that the officers had reasonable articulable suspicion permitting them to remove the weapon. Accordingly, their actions were consistent with the federal constitution. With respect to Article II, Section 10, we conclude that the officers’ removal of the firearm was a minimal intrusion, which was reasonable given the grave need for officer safety during traffic stops. Thus, we hold that the temporary removal of the firearm was consistent with our state constitution. We reverse the judgments of the Court of Appeals and the district court and remand for further proceedings in accordance with this opinion.


{2} The record reflects the following facts found by the district judge during the suppression hearing. On the evening of November 13, 2008, Officer Shane Blevins of the Hobbs Police Department stopped a GMC Jimmy with expired temporary tags. Officer Blevins approached the driver side of the vehicle and informed the driver, Kerri Allen, of the reason for the stop. Meanwhile, Officer Miroslava Bleau (née Jurado) approached the passenger side of the vehicle, where Gregory Ketelson (Defendant) was seated. Officer Bleau saw a black nine millimeter handgun lying on the back seat floorboard. Officer Bleau asked Defendant to step out of the vehicle, and Officer Blevins retrieved the firearm from the back seat floorboard. Neither Defendant nor Ms. Allen was in the vehicle when Officer Blevins retrieved the firearm. After Officer Blevins retrieved the firearm, Defendant signed a card consenting to the search and admitted that the firearm belonged to him.

Link Posted: 7/11/2011 9:52:59 PM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#49]

Late today the Deptartment of Justice issued a press release announcing that it would begin its controversial proposal of requiring dealers in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico to file multiple sales reports on the sale of certain rifles. NSSF opposes this new record-keeping requirement because ATF lacks the legal authority under the Gun Control Act to require it and, just as importantly, because it will actually make it more difficult for dealers to cooperate with ATF. This announcement comes while DOJ and ATF are being investigated for encouraging dealers to sell firearms to straw purchasers and then purposely allowing as many as 2,500 firearms to cross into Mexico. Sen. Grassley and Rep. Issa were highly critical of today's decision, with Rep. Issa saying in a statement, "In Operation Fast and Furious, gun dealers didn't need this regulation as they voluntarily provided ATF agents with information about suspected straw purchasers. In return for this voluntary cooperation, the Justice Department betrayed them by offering false assurances that they would closely monitor sales of weapons that dealers otherwise did not want to make."

Link Posted: 7/11/2011 10:53:27 PM EDT
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